OT: Urban Meyer fired by Jacksonville

What a disaster Urban Meyer was for Jacksonville, and he's fired in less than one year. Fitz has more class in his pinky than Urban. Here's a good summary of his short tenure in the NFL.
Some guys aren’t cut out for the pros. And to think it looked like a match made in heaven…

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College head coaches, to an extent, can hide behind the facade of the institution and a winning program. The pro game does not hide ANYTHING. Urban has been exposed for the asshat he always was.

Having said all that, I am sure some University will be desperate enough to offer him a King's ransom at some point in the near future.
Some college team will hire him in spite of all the moral shortcoming he’s demonstrated at Florida, Ohio State and now Jacksonville.

At the press conference announcing his hiring the college president, the head of the athletic department and Meyer himself will say how after personal reflection he’s a chastened, changed man.
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Doubtful based on the stories being reported so far. There would have to be more than what we have heard about.
Kicking a player isn't a good look vis-vis the "Good Moral Character" clause in NFL contracts. Sum up all the stupid crap he did and maybe they have a case. And if he contests it, the arbitrator is......the Commissioner, who works for the owner. Will probably settle before it gets to that point but may be ugly.
Heaven forbid Scott Frost has a below average season this upcoming season. Should that be the case, I could imagine the Husker faithful backing up a Brinks truck to bring Coach Meyer to Lincoln. Right now, the luster of Coach Meyer is tarnished. Time and quiet will polish it back to a high gloss. He may be 'radioactive' now, but he will not be forever.
He will head back to the B10 network where Dinardo will welcome him back and carry his bags......and then get hired by some desperate school.... On the devils advocate side...he doubled their victories from previous year. I am also thinking we will now start to hear lots of stories from the past,
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What a disaster Urban Meyer was for Jacksonville, and he's fired in less than one year. Fitz has more class in his pinky than Urban. Here's a good summary of his short tenure in the NFL.
Wait a minute. Saying Fitz "has more class ...than Urban" is kind of a cheap way of elevating PF. Sorry. 90% of the US populace has more class than Urban Meyer. He was a POS in Utah, Florida, and exiting Columbus.

All I am saying is 90% of all us wouldn't hire the people he has, treat people the way he does, and humiliate our significant others like Meyer did at his restaurant. Fitz (nor anyone) doesn't get props for NOT being a POS.
Heaven forbid Scott Frost has a below average season this upcoming season. Should that be the case, I could imagine the Husker faithful backing up a Brinks truck to bring Coach Meyer to Lincoln. Right now, the luster of Coach Meyer is tarnished. Time and quiet will polish it back to a high gloss. He may be 'radioactive' now, but he will not be forever.
No way he's on the market that long, if he wants to work. He's prone to these headache breaks, but if he wants to work in CFB, he becomes the top target of every single school that has a vacancy. Right now.

There's been so much activity on the carousel that ICR what's still open, but Urban Meyer can have pretty much any open job he wants.
My thought is Urban will lie in the weeds to see if the ND job opens up in the next two years...and if ND boosters know he's available, Freeman has no margin for error.
If Urban returns to college football it isn’t going to be at a high profile job. I mean the writing was on the wall that this was going to be a 1 year bust, don’t we all think that his agent put out feelers on all the major jobs and got told no thanks?
Will there be a school desperate enough to take the chance on him? Probably. It won’t be one of the most coveted jobs though.
If Urban returns to college football it isn’t going to be at a high profile job. I mean the writing was on the wall that this was going to be a 1 year bust, don’t we all think that his agent put out feelers on all the major jobs and got told no thanks?
Will there be a school desperate enough to take the chance on him? Probably. It won’t be one of the most coveted jobs though.

Not clear that Urban even wants to come back to college football. While it could well have simply been public posturing for contract negotiations, he was pretty emphatic that it was NFL or bust this time around.
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Not clear that Urban even wants to come back to college football. While it could well have simply been public posturing for contract negotiations, he was pretty emphatic that it was NFL or bust this time around.
That's what he said the last 2 times at Fla and OSU, no?

He's a flake but a good coach. Does anyone have a higher career win% ?

Edit, he's like 4th highest amongst FBS equivalent coaches, highest since 1964
Would be pretty surprised if Notre Dame took a chance with him after that complete cluster of a year.

The Domers (as well as LSU) seem to have zero problem hiring complete arse-hats, much less screamers.

If Meyer felt he was able to pull that crap with NFL players and assistant coaches, imagine what he did during his various collegiate stops.

What's hilarious was his giving a speech to big $ Jag fans about leadership and accountability.

But then again, college programs repeatedly talk about leadership and building character in young men and yet, the college ranks are full of liars, screamers, bullies, mysoginists, etc. who get paid enormous amounts of $ as long as they win.
Institutions of higher education have always been susceptible to becoming festering boils of personal malfeasance. Take MSU (Nasser) and PSU, for example. Institutions that wall themselves off from anti-septic of public sunshine, responsible board governance (independence), and other mechanisms of accountability are at risk. I was troubled by the Obama era guideline that universities handle investigations of campus sexual assault on their own. I would not trust any institution to investigate itself.

So a guy like Meyer can get away with all sorts of unethical, distasteful, almost-illegal behaviors while coaching in college. The NFL has learned, mostly the hard way, that it cannot cloak itself in institutional secrecy. The laundry will get aired. So risky guys like Meyer never last long.
I grew up in a different time for sure. Much of his behavior outside the locker room was considered pretty tame, normal by some. If he had a sin in the big money game of football, it was losing the team. Do that and your gone.
My thought is Urban will lie in the weeds to see if the ND job opens up in the next two years...and if ND boosters know he's available, Freeman has no margin for error.
Two things. Freeman will be given every opportunity to succeed. And then some. That’s the current climate in South Bend with Father Jenkins and Jack Swarbrick at the helm. And even if the job opened the possibility of UM to Notre Dame ended years ago.

Not clear that Urban even wants to come back to college football. While it could well have simply been public posturing for contract negotiations, he was pretty emphatic that it was NFL or bust this time around.
Obviously I have no knowledge besides what I see/read, but a guy like Urban Meyer doesn't end his career as a laughing stock after getting fired from an NFL gig - too much vanity and competitiveness there. He will coach again, and it will be in college because the scorched earth narrative has been written - there will be no second chances for him in the pros.
He'll be hired to coach a second tier school in a first rate conference. Like Oregon State or something.
College head coaches, to an extent, can hide behind the facade of the institution and a winning program. The pro game does not hide ANYTHING. Urban has been exposed for the asshat he always was.
In college so much is recruiting giving them an advantage against their opposition. The talent he had at dOSU was significantly better than that of their opponents. No such advantage in the pros. And Jacksonville did not get to the number 1 pick by accident so they were still pretty devoid of talent
Meyer may or may not be a jerk - no opinion on that - but he could coach. He had a coaching life before Jacksonville and OSU and was always successful. He did seem to have a shelf life at any one place, however, suggesting his act may have worn thin. My opinion is the guy was fantastic at reading the tea leaves relative to his career and knew how to self promote and leave at the right time. Plus he was excellent at picking destinations that were poised for success.
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Two things. Freeman will be given every opportunity to succeed. And then some. That’s the current climate in South Bend with Father Jenkins and Jack Swarbrick at the helm. And even if the job opened the possibility of UM to Notre Dame ended years ago.


Right. Plus after firing Willingham quickly, they're going to fire their second Black coach to make way for Urban Meyer? They'd be ... wait for it ... crucified.
Meyer may or may be a jerk - no opinion on that - but he could coach. He had a coaching life before Jacksonville and OSU and was always successful. He did seem to have a shelf life at any one place, however, suggesting his act may have worn thin. My opinion is the guy was fantastic at reading the tea leaves relative to his career and knew how to self promote and leave at the right time. Plus he was excellent at picking destinations that were poised for success.
I think he is able to look far enough ahead on his recruiting classes and development to know when winning isn't a sure thing - at least that's what it looked like when he left Florida.

I would bet every penny I have that he coaches in college again, and soon (within two seasons). A guy like Urban doesn't let his final chapter be a humiliating firing in the NFL.
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In college so much is recruiting giving them an advantage against their opposition. The talent he had at dOSU was significantly better than that of their opponents. No such advantage in the pros. And Jacksonville did not get to the number 1 pick by accident so they were still pretty devoid of talent
Well, he's leaving behind an attractive job for the next HC with Lawrence in the fold and a ton of cap space, along with a very high draft slot this spring.
I don't understand why he is radioactive. Radioactive because of "me-too" style issues? He was accused of supporting (I don't know if that's the exact word.) an abusive coach and getting handsy in a bar. Anything else or is that enough?
My instinct is that he coaches again. Hopefully not in the Big 10.

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