Our Radio Announcers Not Fans of West Coast Expansion


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2023
If you listened to the WGN radio coverage instead of the TV announcers while watching the game last night you probably heard the comment from Ted Albrecht about the B1G expansion to include the four West coast teams. I can't remember his exact words now, but it was very clear that he did not think it was a good thing. Dave Eanet's follow up comment was similar, but a little more guarded.

I was pleased to hear that these two people who are very close to our sports programs share my feelings about it.
If you listened to the WGN radio coverage instead of the TV announcers while watching the game last night you probably heard the comment from Ted Albrecht about the B1G expansion to include the four West coast teams. I can't remember his exact words now, but it was very clear that he did not think it was a good thing. Dave Eanet's follow up comment was similar, but a little more guarded.

I was pleased to hear that these two people who are very close to our sports programs share my feelings about it.
Nobody is really in favor of it other than the money people and they speak the loudest
Don't know that anybody had a choice in this matter. The alternative was to watch the SEC run away with CFB financially? Would Ohio State and the other Big Ten powers sit back and watch that happen? Would USC?

The minute Texas/OU set off for the SEC, there was no way schools like USC (or Oregon) were going to sit out West left behind; they were going to try to push to join the Big Ten and the powers in the Big Ten (Ohio State/Michigan/Penn State/etc.) were going to be willing to listen if it meant more money in the pot because ultimately they're competing with programs like Alabama and Georgia.

So, for now, we need to just build the program as strong as possible because in the future there are probably even more changes to come.

As long as we have a seat at the very top of the food chain in the Big Ten, we need to maximize everything to compete at this level with the resources that we have which dwarf most schools.

If there is some separation and the top 20-30 schools go off and make their own league, then we can join a Magnolia league with schools like Duke or BC or Stanford or Vandy or a Big Ten remainder league of Minnesota or Illinois or Purdue or Indiana.

We'll be fine either way, but while we're at this level then we need to compete as if we belong.
Not quite the whole story. There appear to be some people here who are in favor of it.
I think it's bad for college athletics. But there are two silver linings beyond just the increased t.v. revenue: The research connections through the consortium, particularly to UCLA, are valuable. And purely selfishly, it means I will get some opportunities to see the Cats in SoCal with some regularity. Does that mean it's the right thing? I'm don't think so, on the whole. And I do miss the old Pac-8/10/12.
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Not sure what they meant, but I'd have to imagine the travel schedules are exhausting.
They're gonna hate it a little bit less when they're in the press box in the middle of the third quarter on Saturday staring straight at an incredible sunset over the lake right off the edge of the stadium
They're gonna hate it a little bit less when they're in the press box in the middle of the third quarter on Saturday staring straight at an incredible sunset over the lake right off the edge of the stadium

Don't recall whether it was Ted or Dave, but one of them commented this would be his first visit to the Huskies' Stadium for a football game. Good chance that those of us attending from NU will run into one of them as we did at the Las Vegas Bowl.


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They're gonna hate it a little bit less when they're in the press box in the middle of the third quarter on Saturday staring straight at an incredible sunset over the lake right off the edge of the stadium
I know I'm being pedantic here, but the lake is to the east of the stadium, not to the west. So no beautiful sunset over the lake. Plus it'll probably be overcast anyway. 😉

It's a beautiful setting in a beautiful city. Hopefully everyone enjoys the trip and the Cats come away with a win over the dogs.
Don't recall whether it was Ted or Dave, but one of them commented this would be his first visit to the Huskies' Stadium for a football game. Good chance that those of us attending from NU will run into one of them as we did at the Las Vegas Bowl.


That was a fun time at RiRa my Alaska friend. Fortunately our chief photographer was there to capture all the action as usual.
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I know I'm being pedantic here, but the lake is to the east of the stadium, not to the west. So no beautiful sunset over the lake. Plus it'll probably be overcast anyway. 😉

It's a beautiful setting in a beautiful city. Hopefully everyone enjoys the trip and the Cats come away with a win over the dogs.

True, but sometimes the clouds will reflect the sunset as evident in this pair of photos taken earlier this month:

Photos from a recent evening taken at the same vantage point - 1st view looking looking South, 2nd view looking North:

I know I'm being pedantic here, but the lake is to the east of the stadium, not to the west. So no beautiful sunset over the lake. Plus it'll probably be overcast anyway. 😉

It's a beautiful setting in a beautiful city. Hopefully everyone enjoys the trip and the Cats come away with a win over the dogs.
Wait… really?

I originally thought the lake was a bay of puget sound, so I assumed it was west and I guess I didn’t update that assumption when I learned it’s actually a lake. That’s not pedantic at all.

A bit of a bummer there but still beautiful