Purdue Tickets Needed


Well-Known Member
Gold Member
Jun 16, 2010
I will be making another pilgrimage to Evanston for the Purdue game. My season tickets are in 130 row 60. I need 2 more in that area. I can trade my PSU tickets for your Purdue seats or any other arrangement

Contact docrugby1 at aol dot com
I am all set for tickets for Purdue-I will see everyone at Uber's tent
I will be making another pilgrimage to Evanston for the Purdue game. My season tickets are in 130 row 60. I need 2 more in that area. I can trade my PSU tickets for your Purdue seats or any other arrangement

Contact docrugby1 at aol dot com


Are you sure that you want to do this?

I hear that they have some kind of drum. A giant drum. A drum that dwarfs any drum that you can imagine. I don't know why they would have such a drum.

They might bring their drum. This could be scary, a drum so big that it will tower over Ryan Field. A drum so massive that it could block out the sun, casting the field of play into darkness. And with an 11 am kickoff, we would have no lights.

No, I say stay away. We don't know why they have such a drum, but the reasons can't be good.
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