Reggie Hearn...


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Jul 25, 2011
Tuned in at the tail end of whatever rant Jeff van Gundy was going on during the Spurs/Celtics game (I think something about USA basketball) and he said "If I got a job tomorrow, I would find a way to get Reggie Hearn on my team, that guy is a winner."

All the props in the world to Reggie. I remember when rumors were coming out that he would play a lot, maybe start...people thought we were in a bunch of trouble. Now, the teams he was on weren't great but through no fault of Reggie's.

Great Wildcat!
That dude will always be one of my all time favorites! He just kept working, and when his opportunity came, he grabbed it with both hands!
Van Gundy was talking about the USA team coming back to beat Argentina in the gold medal game and how Hearn played a big role in that. I thought I misheard when hearing his name on a national NBA broadcast haha.

Looks like Hearn is one of the best 3-point shooters in the G-League these days, hope he gets a shot.
Can you imagine some of those teams WITHOUT Hearn!? Often, he was the only guy on the team that could dribble penetrate. A real life diamond in the rough.

We won 20 games during Hearn's freshman and sophomore years when he was a little used reserve. So, yes, I can imagine.
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We won 20 games during Hearn's freshman and sophomore years when he was a little used reserve. So, yes, I can imagine.

I didnt say "all his teams". I said "some of them". We would have been severely hurt without him his junior year, and absolutely screwed without him his senior year.
I didnt say "all his teams". I said "some of them". We would have been severely hurt without him his junior year, and absolutely screwed without him his senior year.
Nah, they only won 4 more B1G games with him his senior year than they would have without him.....
I think Reggie's coming out party was that road game at Illinois where they gave him space and he knocked down three after three after three.

What I loved to watch in his game was his play around the basket. He played center in high school and knew how to use his body. He played three or four inches taller.

Last thing, had the privilege to sit next to his uncle at a game. He comes from a wonderful family. Glad he's pursuing his dream and he's going to do very well when this run is over.

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