Should L-State be entitled to use live mascot(s)?

By the way, Stream, do you know Richard Rung? He was an excellent Professor at Wheaton College who lives in Carol Stream. He's still alive, but he comes to mind now on Memorial Day because he was among the first wave at Omaha Beach.
LOL! I wouldn't know. You tell me, Loserboy. After all, you think Mike, in his cage, lives better than you do.
Liberty freedom are synonyms. You denying that or pretending that I can't use the other word is ridiculous stupidity and like I said, anyone who can read knows it.

But sure, we'll use freedom and not liberty and do this same argument again. Man has the God given right to freedom. Animals don't. Man has the right to life. Animals don't. That's why it's fine to a chicken that was caged it's entire life, then killed, chopped into pieces, sent to a store where I bought it (yes, I can buy animals because they don't have rights) and then threw onto my grill. That chicken has no right to freedom, liberty, life, property, or to pursue happiness. What are you having for dinner: kale salad with tofu? Or do you just eat free range chickens that die of natural causes?

Animals don't have the God given rights that He bestowed upon mankind. Yes, you've lost. You've been completely f-ing destroyed. Keep pretending you haven't and continue to look like a fool.
Liberty freedom are synonyms. You denying that or pretending that I can't use the other word is ridiculous stupidity and like I said, anyone who can read knows it.

But sure, we'll use freedom and not liberty and do this same argument again. Man has the God given right to freedom. Animals don't. Man has the right to life. Animals don't. That's why it's fine to a chicken that was caged it's entire life, then killed, chopped into pieces, sent to a store where I bought it (yes, I can buy animals because they don't have rights) and then threw onto my grill. That chicken has no right to freedom, liberty, life, property, or to pursue happiness. What are you having for dinner: kale salad with tofu? Or do you just eat free range chickens that die of natural causes?

Animals don't have the God given rights that He bestowed upon mankind. Yes, you've lost. You've been completely f-ing destroyed. Keep pretending you haven't and continue to look like a fool.

LOL! I can see you KNOW you've lost badly here.

Repeating those mistakes (amidst the usual shakes grammatical errors) and your sick take on abusing animals like Mike isn't going to change any minds. Poor Buddy.

I love the solid, religion-based argument, too. The same religion that states a bat is a bird and insects have 4 legs, and a God no one can prove even exists.
LOL! I can see you KNOW you've lost badly here.

Repeating those mistakes (amidst the usual shakes grammatical errors) and your sick take on abusing animals like Mike isn't going to change any minds. Poor Buddy.

I love the solid, religion-based argument, too. The same religion that states a bat is a bird and insects have 4 legs, and a God no one can prove even exists.
You stopped making sense a long long time ago, but this last post is ridiculous.
Shakes, you've been so totally owned here that I'm building a cage for you in my back yard. It won't be as fancy as Mike's cage, but it'll be much better than your life now.

I'm giving Buddy his freedom, too. He's suffered long enough, I'm sure.
Shakes, you've been so totally owned here that I'm building a cage for you in my back yard. It won't be as fancy as Mike's cage, but it'll be much better than your life now.

I'm giving Buddy his freedom, too. He's suffered long enough, I'm sure.
You're denial is ridiculous. I'm done with your nonsense.
Do you bring a canoe to cross a rivulet or brook? Do you plan to just step across a river? After all, they're all synonyms of the word "stream".

I'm also naming you Esau. The cage I'm building for you, Esau, will be very small and may not have any water supply. An occasional hosing will do. It will have a dictionary, though. If you have any complaints and think you're entitled to greater liberties because you can bully animals, take it up with God.
Do you bring a canoe to cross a rivulet or brook? Do you plan to just step across a river? After all, they're all synonyms of the word "stream".

I'm also naming you Esau. The cage I'm building for you, Esau, will be very small and may not have any water supply. An occasional hosing will do. It will have a dictionary, though. If you have any complaints and think you're entitled to greater liberties because you can bully animals, take it up with God.
I need a break from you and your stupid arguments. For a smart guy, you really enjoy talking out of your butt. You're ignored, 1 week. Talk to you next Tuesday.
See now why I left the Rant Board?

Shakes thinks it's perfectly OK to take an endangered animal out of its habitat and abuse it for shits and giggles because he's a human being with special rights given to him by 'God'.

See now why I have little hope for endangered species and habitats with religious people like shakes in the world.
Shakes thinks it's perfectly OK to take an endangered animal out of its habitat and abuse it for shits and giggles because he's a human being with special rights given to him by 'God'.

See now why I have little hope for endangered species and habitats with religious people like shakes in the world.

Very hard to put an animal back in the wild once it's been removed in either case.
As a former race horse trainer, in my early life, allow me to say that most racehorses are treated infinitely better than horses in the wild or those turned out on farms.
The horses turned out on farms or even in the wild are eaten alive by insects all spring and summer, whereas they are well fed and crazy well taken care of when raced.
Of course occasionally a horse is asked for too much and tragedy can strike but overall due to their value racehorses as a for instance are much better taken care of and more likely to survive in captivity.
All that being said, they can't wait to be turned out in the fields to be free, though most will gladly come back to the barn feeding time.
If a Tiger cannot be put back in the wild, I can't see that he will have a much better life than the LSU Tiger has, animals like stimulation also when they understand they don't need to have fear and that Tiger never looks scared to me.
They are solitary creatures, so being by themselves in a large enclosure isn't a bad way for them to live.

I have a worse problem, a mallard has layed her eggs off near my swimming pool and she swims in my pool every morning and evening.LOL
She is very comfy there and if the racoons, foxes and other predators don't get her or her eggs, I'm going to have 10 ducklings in about 18 days and ';ll have to put a ramp on the pools steps or the ducklings can get trapped and drown.
There goes the next 10 weeks for swimming but my grandson is excited.
Very hard to put an animal back in the wild once it's been removed in either case.
As a former race horse trainer, in my early life, allow me to say that most racehorses are treated infinitely better than horses in the wild or those turned out on farms.
The horses turned out on farms or even in the wild are eaten alive by insects all spring and summer, whereas they are well fed and crazy well taken care of when raced.
Of course occasionally a horse is asked for too much and tragedy can strike but overall due to their value racehorses as a for instance are much better taken care of and more likely to survive in captivity.
All that being said, they can't wait to be turned out in the fields to be free, though most will gladly come back to the barn feeding time.
If a Tiger cannot be put back in the wild, I can't see that he will have a much better life than the LSU Tiger has, animals like stimulation also when they understand they don't need to have fear and that Tiger never looks scared to me.
They are solitary creatures, so being by themselves in a large enclosure isn't a bad way for them to live.

I have a worse problem, a mallard has layed her eggs off near my swimming pool and she swims in my pool every morning and evening.LOL
She is very comfy there and if the racoons, foxes and other predators don't get her or her eggs, I'm going to have 10 ducklings in about 18 days and ';ll have to put a ramp on the pools steps or the ducklings can get trapped and drown.
There goes the next 10 weeks for swimming but my grandson is excited.

Race horses are treated well because it's beneficial to treat them well. Though the routine and demands associated with horse racing are unnatural, I presume race horses still have some freedom to run and graze naturally. Also, horses will form what appear to be mutualistic relationships with man when coaxed to do so. You don't see the stereotypic movement or "zoochosis" in captive horses like you see in large predators in confined spaces.

A tiger that cannot be put back in the wild can at least be allowed to have outdoor space to roam like in their natural habitat. To have it caged and placed in front of 90,000 screaming fans for no important reason is about as inconsiderate and unnatural as I can think of for a tiger. It's always bothered me to see large predators show stereotypic movement, i.e., pacing back and forth, because of cramped space and a lack of environmental stimulation.

You can always have the mallards trapped out and put in their natural environment by state wildlife people.
Nope, there's a huge difference here. I'm not going to point it out, so we don't get into it, because I'm guessing many on the football board don't want to read us battling.

The moderators can move this thread to the rant board if they think it's more appropriate there.
Race horses are treated well because it's beneficial to treat them well. Though the routine and demands associated with horse racing are unnatural, I presume race horses still have some freedom to run and graze naturally. Also, horses will form what appear to be mutualistic relationships with man when coaxed to do so. You don't see the stereotypic movement or "zoochosis" in captive horses like you see in large predators in confined spaces.

A tiger that cannot be put back in the wild can at least be allowed to have outdoor space to roam like in their natural habitat. To have it caged and placed in front of 90,000 screaming fans for no important reason is about as inconsiderate and unnatural as I can think of for a tiger. It's always bothered me to see large predators show stereotypic movement, i.e., pacing back and forth, because of cramped space and a lack of environmental stimulation.

You can always have the mallards trapped out and put in their natural environment by state wildlife people.
I thought it has a beautiful enclosure?
Habitat for Tigers is getting very small, not much left except in remote areas.
I wonder who will PAY for damaged Tigers who can't be put back in the wild, must be very, very expensive to care and feed them, with labor probably $100,00/year , I'd bet.
I think this is the wrong area to worry about animals in.
I'd worry more about the myriad of abused Pit bulls owned by crazy , vicious people, all over America, much more than what's happening to this pampered Tiger, who seems to enjoy game day. JMHO.
I thought it has a beautiful enclosure?
Habitat for Tigers is getting very small, not much left except in remote areas.
I wonder who will PAY for damaged Tigers who can't be put back in the wild, must be very, very expensive to care and feed them, with labor probably $100,00/year , I'd bet.
I think this is the wrong area to worry about animals in.
I'd worry more about the myriad of abused Pit bulls owned by crazy , vicious people, all over America, much more than what's happening to this pampered Tiger, who seems to enjoy game day. JMHO.

I'm not talking about recreating the jungles of northern India or Thailand, or releasing them into the wild. Tigers will do fine in preserves in a variety of forested habitats. They'd do fine in Florida, and the folks who run such private preserves aren't earning huge salaries.

Animal abuse is a problem all over the country. I'm pouncing on shakes here because his comments are representative of the ignorance and insensitivity to wildlife and nature that is somewhat common today. It's also fun to pick on his callow remarks. For example, I lived in south Florida where newscasts routinely exaggerated the dangers of alligators and snakes, with newscasters acting like idiots over 5-foot alligators. In reality, alligators are curious pussycats and not really a threat unless they grow to very large size (>11 feet). I, and other biologists, used to work with alligators and snakes all around us without major concern.

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