So how did we do on allotment sales?


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2003
Haven't seen a thread on it. Some people speculated we would do well because all the west coast alums finally get a bowl in their backyard. I'm curious if this played out.
Last I saw we were just about sold out of our 6000 ticket allotment. Don't ask me where I saw it, though.
At least among people that I know, I think that the Indianapolis trip depressed turnout for the Holiday Bowl a bit because many people flew into Indy from various places around the country just a few weeks ago. We have a group of ~10 which might otherwise have been ~15 for this game (it depends how loosely you count folks in the group). I think we'll end up with ~10k total NU fans in San Diego, which is still decent turnout, but it might have been higher (into the 15k range which we've gotten at our more heavily attended recent bowls) if we hadn't gone to Indy for the conference championship.

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