Steve Fridley a.k.a "Alan Smithee", passed away suddenly on February 9th. Steve was a wonderful friend and a big NU fan who I met through these boards. I have known Steve's father since grade school from his teaching music in the Wheaton School system. I didn't meet Steve until 2005 when I started going to NU games with my buddy, Jerry. I would stay at his house and crash on his couch, hoping his cats or dogs wouldn't attack me at night. Steve was a political history major who loved to discuss politics when not discussing NU football and basketball. The last time I talked with Smithee, he was telling me about the surprising basketball team. I wish he'd seen the last homestand!
Just a bummer to hear. While I did not know him, besides being a hilarious poster, I will never forget that he predicted the final score of the Michigan/NU 2015 slaughter.