Some sad news

Steve Fridley a.k.a "Alan Smithee", passed away suddenly on February 9th. Steve was a wonderful friend and a big NU fan who I met through these boards. I have known Steve's father since grade school from his teaching music in the Wheaton School system. I didn't meet Steve until 2005 when I started going to NU games with my buddy, Jerry. I would stay at his house and crash on his couch, hoping his cats or dogs wouldn't attack me at night. Steve was a political history major who loved to discuss politics when not discussing NU football and basketball. The last time I talked with Smithee, he was telling me about the surprising basketball team. I wish he'd seen the last homestand!

Just a bummer to hear. While I did not know him, besides being a hilarious poster, I will never forget that he predicted the final score of the Michigan/NU 2015 slaughter.
Just a bummer to hear. While I did not know him, besides being a hilarious poster, I will never forget that he predicted the final score of the Michigan/NU 2015 slaughter.
Alan (Steve) was a seriously funny poster, and I didn’t realize he called that debacle exactly. 2015 was an odd season.

Way back when in my mid-20s, I was curious what folks would offer in terms of advice. So, on the Rant board, I posted the general question of “what advice would you give to your 25 year old self”?

Smithee responded with two: the first was to buy NUFB season tickets (I would if I lived in Chicago, but I can’t now).

The second were 5 simple words which I still use personally & professionally: Beg Forgiveness, Don’t Ask Permission. 90-95% it has helped me - and it helps to inform my own posting style still. Just like the Trust Yourself sign we used to tap on our way to the field.
Met Smithee way back at what I believe was the first Purple Party at Alamo Bowl vs Nebraska.(2002?) I thought him to be natural for the board, his posts cogent and witty. Also sorry to hear from Waterboy's post that we lost FEW. along with FloridAlum the NU fan community has indeed lost some great ones.
I'm 88 and still able to work the remote, take enough meds to get me through the tight finishes but not the aggro that our fb program has produced of late. Remaining ever pessimistic. Mesacat.
I did not know Steve well, but did spend some time with him in pre game festivities in the west lot. I remember Steve as a very bright guy and gentle soul, with a great sense of humor.

At 84, starting to feel like an endangered species with all these young people passing.
It is downright scary. In the past three months two NU classmates of mine have died, both younger than I, and in the past year I have had at least ten friends and relatives die, most were younger than I am (72). Losing people in their 80’s or 90’s after a long illness is one thing, but losing people suddenly in their 50’s and 60’s shocks the soul. Smithee is/ will be missed.
Yes, Smithee's passing is truly sad. Met Smithee a couple of times, I believe at least once at the Uber tent. Terrific wit, dedicated NU fan, and a great person! One of, if not the most incisive poster on the board. He is missed.
I am truly saddened to hear of Steve Fridley"s passing. I always enjoyed conversations with him at Uber's tailgates and at various bowl games. He was a gentleman with a great sense of humor and knowledge about the Cats.
Are you Fast Eddie the PHI PSI?
Steve Fridley a.k.a "Alan Smithee", passed away suddenly on February 9th. Steve was a wonderful friend and a big NU fan who I met through these boards. I have known Steve's father since grade school from his teaching music in the Wheaton School system. I didn't meet Steve until 2005 when I started going to NU games with my buddy, Jerry. I would stay at his house and crash on his couch, hoping his cats or dogs wouldn't attack me at night. Steve was a political history major who loved to discuss politics when not discussing NU football and basketball. The last time I talked with Smithee, he was telling me about the surprising basketball team. I wish he'd seen the last homestand!
I remember meeting him at the pre game rally before the Michigan game (attended by Wilbon) back in 2005! He was a gentleman and I appreciated his many contributions! Sad news indeed!
I somehow missed this news when it was posted several weeks back until I saw it mentioned in a thread today. Such sad news. I only briefly met Smithee at a football game about 15 years back, so I didn’t know him personally, but always enjoyed his dry wit and humor. A big loss for this little community of ours.
Sh*t!! Just saw this post. Smithee will be missed. I met him years ago when I was living in Glen Ellyn & he was a felow western suburb alum/fan. I always enjoyed his posts an talking with him at tailgates. You will be missed. Dam, us older posters are thinnning out. God Bless you Smithee! If it is'nt to much to ask, put in a good word for the fotball team with the Big Guy!!
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