I’m assuming I’m one of the “cult guys” here because, at the start of this year, I didn’t think KJ was even an average defender at that point in time. Your stats don’t measure defense and, in fact, they tend to penalize good defensive players, as I’ve explained in multiple posts before, and I won’t derail this thread further by getting into it again. However, I will say that my disagreements with you haven’t changed my opinion.You say this based on absolutely nothing.
Mainly its a reaction to my season-long statements that Windham needs to play.
I have reliable, valid stats that say you are totally wrong.
Evan Miyakawa has stats that say the exact same thing.
You cult guys are nuts. You let arguments with me determine your opinions.
And then when you are proven wrong, you re-write history - with crazy sh*t like "Windham's defense was awful."
I don’t think you give Leach enough credit for figuring out his game. The guy was playing at a very high level before his injury. In my opinion, he was always at least decent in the half-court, and when his three-point shot was falling, he became very, very good. He figured out the press later in the season and became more comfortable with his shot, which led to his game really taking off. He absolutely deserved the minutes over KJ at that time.
KJ simply developed faster than I expected, which I’m really happy about. I was very high on his potential out the gate, he just wasn’t defensively there yet, which is normal for a freshman. He’s also not a good defender yet, but I fully expect to become a very good one in the future. He’s a different player than he was even a month ago.
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