Absolutely. There are plenty of places to acquire those as a rental for events. They could easily just buy a bunch for a couple years then resell them to a course. That would be the easy part. Getting a decent system set up and identifying which older fans and donors get the parking with full shuttle service is another.
At a lot of schools they have a number you can text the morning before a game and request golf cart service for an elderly fan. Works pretty well. Not sure of NU will be able to get something that smooth going.
NU is working with a company with a lot of experience putting these things together. Maybe it should give us a little more optimism to think management at NU might just pass everything off to their consultants. Let the actually competent people set it up.
At any rate, you and I have discussed this a lot. There are probably going to be some big snags in the gameday experience, even if things are relatively well planned. I’m just choosing to be glass half full and be excited about the good aspects of this. As we often say on these things, the players, coaches (and undergrad students) are excited about this, which means it helps our program, and I’ll bet the recruits will love the experience too.