Screw you. I know that you travel to some games from Florida, but so do many others. I and many others have been to each of the venues you went this year multiple times supporting tge Cats. Do it is no big deal.
Let’s give you an example. I live in a northwest suburb. For an 11 am game, if I do not tailgate, which requie purchase of a pass and a monetary donation, I have to leave my house at about 9:45 am. The game is over by 2 pm, at the earliest. While at the game, some concession will be purchased which supports the program. I usually stay to the end of game. I drive home and get home at 3 if I park in one of the paid lots. That’s 5 hours for each game. If you tailgate 2 hours before the game, add at least another 4 hours for getting all the crap together and put away. This is usually 7 Saturdays a fall. These people are making a commitment if both time and money. These are fans in the stands.
What do you do I presume in Florida? Do you make that same commitment of time and money as does the poster you castigate?