The Mojo Moose have Returned with a Vengeance - Hopefully Air Willie Won't Nullify Their Efforts This Time


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Gold Member
Dec 29, 2005
Still recovering from the adrenaline rush! Captured on film just moments ago:

The backstory regarding the above linked YouTube Video as just posted:
I was in my driveway loading winter tires into my vehicles when I heard a loud crashing sound and glanced up to see two huge Bull Moose charging up the driveway toward me.
I turned and ran for my life dropping the house key I was holding in the process. Fortunately the door remained unlocked. (I wasn’t so lucky earlier in the year when I had confronted a bear while I was watering the lawn.)

Above is the link to my video of their continued battle as I captured it from the safety of my deck. After retreating from my driveway, the two have become locked together with their horns.
Finally one spins the other to the ground where he pins him and holds his opponent in place to establish who is the victor. No effort is made to inflict injury. Both huge Bull Moose then amble away peacefully.
Horns Locked:

The Victor as he ambles away:

The key that I dropped as I raced to escape the charging Bull Moose:

Aftermath of the Battle as evidenced by tufts of ripped Moose hair and Moose horn scratches on my driveway along with some of the torn up grass: