Now just exactly what it better about this new format? The former one worked just fine. Is this just another example of change for the sake of change (but why does that always mean more complicated and obscure)? WHERE'S MY SIG PIC?
Now kids can't enjoy my two cats fighting anymore. Also cannot instantly tell if there have been new posts since your last visit and let you know exactly which posts are new. Board is also vulnerable to "spamming" (otherwise known as Gladesbombing). The wonderful thing about the old Rivals thread-view is Gladesbombing only affected topic-viewers. Thread viewers were unaffected.
It's going to take a little time to learn and get used to the new format on this board. In general, I really liked the flexibility the old format afforded, that allowed you to view a thread in thread view or topic view
I have to say, my son's favorite thing about this board (the only thing he has noticed) was your gif of the big cat smothering the little cat. He never gets tired of it and he will be rudely disappointed by it's departure.
Why is it also that when I am typing on this board, things are so slow, like I'm being keylogged?
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