Too funny not to share...

I guess Yesterdays thinks the 20s is the age equivalent of Vegas. Do what you want, say what you want, and no one can call you on it.

Yeah, NEVER said that. Thanks for distorting my message, which is that this is unseemly for NU fans to bash a recent NU grad, who is obviously following a misguided notion that bashing your alma mater is cool.

Before you type, I NEVER defended whatever it is that the young grad said. I just think that it's unseemly and beneath NU fans to start a special thread just to bash two of our own, solely because they don't share the opinions of most NU hoops fans.

So what if they don't like Coach Chris? Why do we need a special thread to attack them over it? Your defensiveness over this thread proves my point.
Oh puh-lease Louise. Save us the drama. If the dude uses his name publicly to make statements and blare his opinions to the world, he is fair game to be called out for it. No one is forcing him to tweet all this nonsense, it's his choice unfortunately.

If anything, the fact that he uses his name is MORE credible than you lot bashing him under pseudonyms.
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That "son" is a grown man who has written several "adult" article hit pieces on Collins and company dating back to before the Vassar situation.

Once again, so what if they don't like Coach Chris?

Why do we need a special thread to attack them over it?

As I said to another poster, your defensiveness over this thread proves my point.
If anything, the fact that he uses his name is MORE credible than you lot bashing him under pseudonyms.

Message boards are expressly for giving out your opinions under a somewhat protected cloak of anonymity. Simply the rules of the game. If I want to go out and tweet my opinion to the world using my real name, that's another option. Doesn't make it more credible. Social media can come back to bite you, sometimes years down the road. Young Goren is doing himself a disservice for whatever reason.
Like what "hit" pieces?

I never said that he wasn't an adult, either. As usual, you're distorting what I said.

He constantly writes a bunch of trash belittling the NU hoops program following Carmody's departure. After CCC started rolling and was obviously headed to the promised land that ever eluded Carmody, he digs up the Vassar nonsense. Hit jobs.

He constantly writes a bunch of trash belittling the NU hoops program following Carmody's departure. After CCC started rolling and was obviously headed to the promised land that ever eluded Carmody, he digs up the Vassar nonsense. Hit jobs.


We're not talking about Trahan are we?
I just think that it's unseemly and beneath NU fans to start a special thread just to bash two of our own, solely because they don't share the opinions of most NU hoops fans."

Well, here's where your misplaced defense of these douchebags fails from the start. They are most certainly not two of our own. They have made that very clear. Our own do not talking about finding new teams to root for.

These people are in the same boat as dOSU fans. Most certainly not our own.
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