Turks Courtside Giveaway Continues

I don't have any kids that I know of (see what I did there???) but Turk, this is pretty cool of you.
seats given away to lucky Cat fan. This was the 5th game this year of the Turk "Free" courtside seats in an effort to build future fans.
seats given away to lucky Cat fan. This was the 5th game this year of the Turk "Free" courtside seats in an effort to build future fans.
Thanks Turk for all the support you give to NU Athletics ! BTW, does anyone a two that they can't use for Sunday?
How about a NU Dad-Daughter duo (WaterBoy and WaterGirl)? C'mon Truk, you gotta be more gender PC rather than the original post content. Incidentally - Muchas Gratias for the courtside seats from 2 weeks ago against Minnie.
How about a NU Dad-Daughter duo (WaterBoy and WaterGirl)? C'mon Truk, you gotta be more gender PC rather than the original post content. Incidentally - Muchas Gratias for the courtside seats from 2 weeks ago against Minnie.
One combo was "Dad/Daughter" this year. The point is to build future fans, and that involves daughters as well. But the focus will be on Fathers and sons since that provides perhaps the best path for a future fan. Daughters end up liking shopping, gossip, Oprah/Ellen shows, fairy tales, and watching the Bachelor.
One combo was "Dad/Daughter" this year. The point is to build future fans, and that involves daughters as well. But the focus will be on Fathers and sons since that provides perhaps the best path for a future fan. Daughters end up liking shopping, gossip, Oprah/Ellen shows, fairy tales, and watching the Bachelor.

Tell that to Nia Coffey.....
WTF is wrong with watching the Bachelor, Turk? It's A+ sleazy reality TV
It was a joke. Can't a do stand up comic act? Truth is that I watched that damn bachelor show too. Last week was a joke. Dude tells the one girl he is in love with her but then when he sees girl number 2 he flips like a pancake and tells her he is in love with her. Then the dope couldn't deal with the fact that he is such a loser that he actually made his worst mistake and sent home girl number 3 who seemed to really click with him lifetime. Bottom line is he just wanted one thing from #2 and it was a shame that she didn't even know it. Hopefully she will learn from the error of her ways. If she ends up being a bachelorette then she may be ruthless.
It was a joke. Can't a do stand up comic act? Truth is that I watched that damn bachelor show too. Last week was a joke. Dude tells the one girl he is in love with her but then when he sees girl number 2 he flips like a pancake and tells her he is in love with her. Then the dope couldn't deal with the fact that he is such a loser that he actually made his worst mistake and sent home girl number 3 who seemed to really click with him lifetime. Bottom line is he just wanted one thing from #2 and it was a shame that she didn't even know it. Hopefully she will learn from the error of her ways. If she ends up being a bachelorette then she may be ruthless.

Turk moves from grading football player performance to rating reality shows. Needs serious work.