UNLV QB takes redshirt due to NIL dispute

I know I may sound like an old man yelling at clouds here, but **** that shit!
Sounds like UNLV reneged on a NIL deal, and Sluka isn’t having it. A college football player who wants to decide his own future: surely the world is coming to an end…
It's the disorganized, unregulated way that this new reality has come about which creates absurd messes like this. While you do get the rare pro player hold out over a contract dispute, the circumstances around that are usually established during the off-season resulting in the player making it clear from the beginning of the season that they won't participate. In this crazy case, this kid is now walking out on his team and fanbase after they've started an exciting season. How demoralizing is that.

It's just another example of how the stupid NCAA and conferences should have solved this player compensation problem before it turned into the wild west.
It's the disorganized, unregulated way that this new reality has come about which creates absurd messes like this. While you do get the rare pro player hold out over a contract dispute, the circumstances around that are usually established during the off-season resulting in the player making it clear from the beginning of the season that they won't participate. In this crazy case, this kid is now walking out on his team and fanbase after they've started an exciting season. How demoralizing is that.

It's just another example of how the stupid NCAA and conferences should have solved this player compensation problem before it turned into the wild west.
this is what happens when multiple governing bodies (NCAA, state legislatures, etc.) create rules they cannot reasonably police and enforce.
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this is what happens when multiple governing bodies (NCAA, state legislatures, etc.) create rules they cannot reasonably police and enforce.
If the guy is healthy and the coach tells him to play and he says no, then kick him off the team. Don't put up with this crap.

UTEP had a bunch of players who decided to redshirt themselves after exactly 4 games and the season fell apart and now the coach is fired. The way to stop this crap is to stop it. Show them the door, do not pass Go, do not collect $200.
That has apparently happened at UNLV, where quarterback Matthew Sluka has opted to refuse to play for the Rebels, invoking his redshirt year
“I committed to UNLV based on certain representations that were made to me, which were not upheld after I enrolled. Despite discussions, it became clear that these commitments would not be fulfilled in the future. I wish my teammates the best of luck this season and hope for the continued success of the program.”

If that's true, then UNLV only has itself to blame.
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He self-kicked. He’ll try again somewhere else. Maybe he’d be a good fit for NU. What a world!
Do you get to keep your year if you're kicked off the team for refusing to play? Medical redshirts should require a medical diagnosis and other redshirts should be at the coach's discretion. Until last year with UTEP, I had never heard of a player redshirting himself.

If kicking them off the team costs them a year, then do it. It should.
What happened is that you don't make NIL deals with the school. If the school makes NIL payments, that's a big no-no.
Even if the school isn’t making the NIL payments, everyone is talking to the coach. I thought Gundy put things well in his characteristically blunt way the other week.

“Tell your agent to quit calling us and asking for more money. It’s non-negotiable now. It’ll start again in December.”

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Even if the school isn’t making the NIL payments, everyone is talking to the coach. I thought Gundy put things well in his characteristically blunt way the other week.

“Tell your agent to quit calling us and asking for more money. It’s non-negotiable now. It’ll start again in December.”

"“There’s no negotiating now. The portal’s over. All the negotiation’s history. Now we’re playing football."

The UNLV QB would seem to disagree.
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"“There’s no negotiating now. The portal’s over. All the negotiation’s history. Now we’re playing football."

The UNLV QB would seem to disagree.
Based on the QB’s story, UNLV boosters aren’t living up to their end of things. So he’s quitting now, will preserve eligibility, and will go somewhere that will live up to its verbal agreement next year.

Hilarious in its inefficiency, its total upending of the concept of ‘college’, or ‘team’, and just glorious because it’s the result of the NCAA dragging its feet forever.
Based on the QB’s story, UNLV boosters aren’t living up to their end of things. So he’s quitting now, will preserve eligibility, and will go somewhere that will live up to its verbal agreement next year.

Hilarious in its inefficiency, its total upending of the concept of ‘college’, or ‘team’, and just glorious because it’s the result of the NCAA dragging its feet forever.
His agreement with the school is to play and in exchange he gets a scholarship. The school should kick him off the team for breaking their agreement.
Based on the QB’s story, UNLV boosters aren’t living up to their end of things. So he’s quitting now, will preserve eligibility, and will go somewhere that will live up to its verbal agreement next year.

Hilarious in its inefficiency, its total upending of the concept of ‘college’, or ‘team’, and just glorious because it’s the result of the NCAA dragging its feet forever.
From what I've seen stupidity/culpability on the part of the Sluka campt too. Their claim is that the UNLV OC "verbally promised" him "at least $100,000" if he came to UNLV. Sluka, his family, and his agent's next act was to... enroll at UNLV and start (after finishing his degree at Holy Cross, missing spring practice). He didn't say okay, set up a meeting with the collective, he didn't ask to talk to the donors, he didn't even talk to the head coach.

Finally like months later they offered him $12,000 and he went to the head coach, who basically told him that whatever the OC said didn't count.

Even if it was the head coach, the head coach doesn't hold the check book and doesn't make the payment. You say okay, set up a meeting with the collective, are you allowed to attend? They're who you're actually directly dealing with. I understand the coach maybe has to commit to helping raise the money or whatever. But some OC says something verbally and you just act on that?

Stupidity all around.
I believe in the Gundy article that he misunderstood the outline of the basic agreement that the NCAA is attempting to work out in court. The $20 mil is intended for all of a school's athletes, not just the football team. Among other things that likely means that the payouts for women will equal the payouts for men.
From what I've seen stupidity/culpability on the part of the Sluka campt too. Their claim is that the UNLV OC "verbally promised" him "at least $100,000" if he came to UNLV. Sluka, his family, and his agent's next act was to... enroll at UNLV and start (after finishing his degree at Holy Cross, missing spring practice). He didn't say okay, set up a meeting with the collective, he didn't ask to talk to the donors, he didn't even talk to the head coach.

Finally like months later they offered him $12,000 and he went to the head coach, who basically told him that whatever the OC said didn't count.

Even if it was the head coach, the head coach doesn't hold the check book and doesn't make the payment. You say okay, set up a meeting with the collective, are you allowed to attend? They're who you're actually directly dealing with. I understand the coach maybe has to commit to helping raise the money or whatever. But some OC says something verbally and you just act on that?

Stupidity all around.
I'm confused about how all this works. Do the college players actually sign contracts?

Our grad students in my program here get a stipend and benefits. Though they are students and not employees, it is very much set up like an employer/employee relationship with a standard agreement. Not sure why this stuff with college athletes can't be more regulated and organized. No pro player would play without a contract.
I'm confused about how all this works. Do the college players actually sign contracts?

Our grad students in my program here get a stipend and benefits. Though they are students and not employees, it is very much set up like an employer/employee relationship with a standard agreement. Not sure why this stuff with college athletes can't be more regulated and organized. No pro player would play without a contract.
NIL deals would be typically contractually backed, yes. Your structure to maintain intern vs employee rules has very little bearing on a contract structured around selling of likeness and endorsement. I agree it makes zero sense Sluka didn't investigate this with the collective far in advance. It makes his agent look idiotic, although it isn't clear to me when exactly the agent was hired.
Major college sports are breaking, and rather quickly. I’m just sad.

Probably going to be completely destroyed if/when players are all paid a salary directly by a school (currently delayed by the courts on a technicality but not indefinitely).

I don’t think anyone had any issues with players getting $ for LEGITIMATE NIL (jersey sales cut, appearance fees for speaking at school sponsor events, etc.) but these NIL “collectives” have gotten completely out of control with no signs yet that they’ll be reigned in.

The world we grew up in no longer exists 😢.
I'm confused about how all this works. Do the college players actually sign contracts?

Our grad students in my program here get a stipend and benefits. Though they are students and not employees, it is very much set up like an employer/employee relationship with a standard agreement. Not sure why this stuff with college athletes can't be more regulated and organized. No pro player would play without a contract.
There are (and already were) stipends in place for Big Ten athletes beyond their scholarships. These NIL payments are something else that come from third parties, not from the school.
Major college sports are breaking, and rather quickly. I’m just sad.

Probably going to be completely destroyed if/when players are all paid a salary directly by a school (currently delayed by the courts on a technicality but not indefinitely).

I don’t think anyone had any issues with players getting $ for LEGITIMATE NIL (jersey sales cut, appearance fees for speaking at school sponsor events, etc.) but these NIL “collectives” have gotten completely out of control with no signs yet that they’ll be reigned in.

The world we grew up in no longer exists 😢.
Well revenue sharing from the schools is starting within 2 years, so…
This is hilarious and I love it.

I’ve never heard of Carl Reed, who self-identifies as a Wing-T expert.

I love everything about this story. Back in the good old days, these Vegas kids would’ve just shaved points, right?
I believe in the Gundy article that he misunderstood the outline of the basic agreement that the NCAA is attempting to work out in court. The $20 mil is intended for all of a school's athletes, not just the football team. Among other things that likely means that the payouts for women will equal the payouts for men.
There’s zero chance those payouts will be equal. Football will take about 85% of that money (as it should).
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I hate it because it means the sport is being destroyed before our eyes.
100%. I don’t think people outside hardcore college sports fans realize what this is going to do to the casual following of CFB and probably CBB.

Why watch the minor leagues when you can watch the pros (NFL, NBA) since the sports will essentially be professional light in a few short years?

My prediction is CFB will go back to solely being a regional sport (southeast US) after all the work it did to finally become a national sport. Absolutely asinine.
This is hilarious and I love it.

I’ve never heard of Carl Reed, who self-identifies as a Wing-T expert.

I love everything about this story. Back in the good old days, these Vegas kids would’ve just shaved points, right?
Looks like this isn’t true at all. All the reporting now is the UNLV OC tolld Aluka he could have 100k, and aluka was an idiot and took that as gospel. The collective never came up with the money and told him they couldn’t and the HC disavowed, so now here we are. Sluka was dumb and naive and the school was sloppy and probably full of it.
If what HE CLAIMS is true, I can't blame him to some extent, I don't think Patrick Mahomes would suit up if his check bounced. It's going to have to end up with contracts and salary caps, this simply will collapse if it continues IMO.

But there are two other versions of what is happening going around some other college boards.

Some people claim, "with good sources" (take that of course with a grain of salt) that in fact the QB was given exactly what he was promised and either on his own or pressured by parents went to the coach and said "I'm doing better than anyone expected, I want more, in fact I want 300k more: Coach Odom said "nope" and so he bailed" NOTE - I realize this was posted above, just doing a repost so all the other versions are in one post.

And there is a THIRD VERSION of the story saying he the QB (who actually, while leading the team to three wins does NOT have great numbers) that says someone from another program said "Don't play anymore, keep your redshirt, come play for us and we will pay you more than UNLV is paying you".

Now those are three pretty much completely different versions of the same incident. Which one to believe? I have no idea. I guess we'll eventually find out the truth.

When NIL deals are made between players and the school, or the collective, or whoever is in charge of making the deals with the there a contract written up and signed? Or is it all just a handshake and a smile sorta deal? Solution - iust put the players on contracts already. That way if Sluka is telling truth, a contract protects him. If, more likely, his head got turned by another program, a contract would reward UNLV for having found him and given him a platform for success.

This situation of NIL, unlimited transfer portal, and no transparency in the process is unsustainable.
This third-game/redshirting thing is a concern to me, as well.

I will say for football is the only sport I really follow. I've never particularly cared for the NFL, largely because of how quickly the players move from one team to another (same for MLB, etc.) And we are.

I've commented on the board in the past...I wouldn't hate it if we got to a point were 30 or so programs figuratively become a minor-league NFL, leaving schools like Northwestern, Iowa, Wisconsin, etc. to go back to playing a regional schedule with more modest talent. Maybe we play 10 games per season, we can pay $100 per season to stream away games, and at in December there's an FCS-looking playoff or we just make arrangements to play a final exhibition game in a destination city against a mutually agreed upon opponent. Players get their full scholarships and maybe a modest stipend based on revenue, which they all know won't be a fortune, and they don't mind.

All that would be just fine by me. Honestly, I would probably wind up donating more because I wouldn't feel like NU was just trying to exploit me like other programs do so effectively to their fanbases. Have you heard about the 10% "talent fee" Tennessee has added to its Season Tickets?
This third-game/redshirting thing is a concern to me, as well.

I will say for football is the only sport I really follow. I've never particularly cared for the NFL, largely because of how quickly the players move from one team to another (same for MLB, etc.) And we are.

I've commented on the board in the past...I wouldn't hate it if we got to a point were 30 or so programs figuratively become a minor-league NFL, leaving schools like Northwestern, Iowa, Wisconsin, etc. to go back to playing a regional schedule with more modest talent. Maybe we play 10 games per season, we can pay $100 per season to stream away games, and at in December there's an FCS-looking playoff or we just make arrangements to play a final exhibition game in a destination city against a mutually agreed upon opponent. Players get their full scholarships and maybe a modest stipend based on revenue, which they all know won't be a fortune, and they don't mind.

All that would be just fine by me. Honestly, I would probably wind up donating more because I wouldn't feel like NU was just trying to exploit me like other programs do so effectively to their fanbases. Have you heard about the 10% "talent fee" Tennessee has added to its Season Tickets?
The 1950’s were a great decade.