Well, we won


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Gold Member
May 29, 2001
#19 in the country? Not sure we'll hold the ranking after that outing.

At least we aren't Indiana.

Man, Scottie Lindsey carried us most of the game, but I'll be damned if he didn't miss those free throws at the end.

BMac clutch and won it at the end for us. I gotta give him the MVP since Scottie missed those free throws.
#19 in the country? Not sure we'll hold the ranking after that outing.

At least we aren't Indiana.

Man, Scottie Lindsey carried us most of the game, but I'll be damned if he didn't miss those free throws at the end.

BMac clutch and won it at the end for us. I gotta give him the MVP since Scottie missed those free throws.

Teams rarely drop rankings in basketball unless they lose...
Happy that they pulled out the win.

Bursts the bubble of all the Final Four talk though.

Serious problems at the 4.

Come on. I've seen a lot of silly stuff here, but there were actually homer pollyannas here predicting a Final Four run this season?
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Happy that they pulled out the win.

Bursts the bubble of all the Final Four talk though.

Serious problems at the 4.
Skelly was in foul trouble and didn’t play well. I don’t think we are in serious trouble at the 4 and I wouldn’t reach any conclusions on the team based on the first game of the year.
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Skelly was in foul trouble and didn’t play well. I don’t think we are in serious trouble at the 4 and I wouldn’t reach any conclusions on the team based on the first game of the year.

In a game with 55 fouls, struggles at the 4, and Falzon injured, how is it that 4* top priority recruit Rapolas Ivanauskas can't get a single minute of game time? Wish I had anything to go off of here from preseason reports, but this is a real head scratcher for me. I hope he finds his game and soon.
I LOVE this game and a win like this early in the season. It's a great wake up call.

Sure, there are going to be a few clunkers like this. Everybody has them. But the Cats also looked AWFULLY good at certain points in the game.

Just get ready for many nights like this.

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Not a criticism of Skelly or anyone else, but this team needs Falzon to start. Needs the three-point threat.

The Horizon is an awful arena in which to play basketball. I think it affects this team all year.
Not a criticism of Skelly or anyone else, but this team needs Falzon to start. Needs the three-point threat.

The Horizon is an awful arena in which to play basketball. I think it affects this team all year.
Isn't the playing floor the width and length and the baskets the same height? See Hoosiers for an update. Please let's not start with blaming the arena for poor play or for that matter good play.
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Isn't the playing floor the width and length and the baskets the same height? See Hoosiers for an update. Please let's not start with blaming the arena for poor play or for that matter good play.

I think it's the high number of seats that impacts players. Under 8k or 7k, especially, there is not effect. Above 10K, profound effect.
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