What a win!

Strip sack was the play of the game. Completely, completely changed the game and with it, you knew we were going to win. What a way to end the season.

Great day to be a Cat!

A tale of two halves. And the D really changed this game. Utah conceding after being given 40 seconds really shows the respect.
Other observation is that whatever the coaches did at halftime, why can't they do that in the pre-game. Just a massive 3rd quarter, and we really just let the foot off the gas in the 4th. I think if we keep playing for real instead of run after run up the gut with no motion then we keep rolling these guys. Just a completely different team in the 2nd half.

Great adjustments on both sides of the ball. I didn't care for a lot of the play calling on O in the 1st half, but the adjustments in the 2nd half to roll Thorson out, to take the defense out of position with motion, was fantastic by McCall. And they should definitely just take off those damned gloves when it rains.
"Took the foot off the gas" because we had poor field position on a rainy night where a turnover can turn the momentum back to the other team. Previous to that, in plus territory, we completed a long pass that was called back by a bogus penalty. And Thorson did throw on3rd and 8 from his own 11 to get a key first down. There's a time to be aggressive and a time to play smart.
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