Why Doesnt Turner Shoot?

Mr Wickerpark

Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2016
Ball goes to Turner and he passes up shots. Is he just not suppose to shoot or does he not have confidence or just doesnt understand? Fans wanna know.
Ball goes to Turner and he passes up shots. Is he just not suppose to shoot or does he not have confidence or just doesnt understand? Fans wanna know.
Wut? He posted up last game and shot plenty. Then he got into terrible foul troible, and that was that...
I wonder about Turner sometimes as well. He passes a fair amount rather than take an open three early in the clock. iirc, he only took one or two of those in the last game.
I have found that in basketball, if when on offense a player exerts effort to get open and then receives the ball he is more likely to exert effort on subsequent trips down the court.

Tuner's out of position role is to run the offense and distribute the ball. He's not been a disappointment and his shooting % is up markedly from the start of the year.

I'm not clear on why Taylor doesn't take more shots earlier in the game....if teams are over defending him on the perimeter. And there seems to be very little cutting to the basket for layups versus previous years (thinking Sanjay and Scottie).
I have found that in basketball, if when on offense a player exerts effort to get open and then receives the ball he is more likely to exert effort on subsequent trips down the court.

Tuner's out of position role is to run the offense and distribute the ball. He's not been a disappointment and his shooting % is up markedly from the start of the year.

I'm not clear on why Taylor doesn't take more shots earlier in the game....if teams are over defending him on the perimeter. And there seems to be very little cutting to the basket for layups versus previous years (thinking Sanjay and Scottie).
Tangent to the OP but responding to your last point... One thing I’ve observed is that we often have cutters diving toward the hole, and relatively frequently they have a step on their defender. I feel like we tend to pass up too many of those chances to hit the cutters. They either need to look more, or else maybe our guys aren’t confident enough in their ability to get the pass through. With the occasional exception of when CC explicitly tells them to throw it there out of a timeout (eg the alley oops), which have generally been good for us.
Tangent to the OP but responding to your last point... One thing I’ve observed is that we often have cutters diving toward the hole, and relatively frequently they have a step on their defender. I feel like we tend to pass up too many of those chances to hit the cutters. They either need to look more, or else maybe our guys aren’t confident enough in their ability to get the pass through. With the occasional exception of when CC explicitly tells them to throw it there out of a timeout (eg the alley oops), which have generally been good for us.
I feel like a lot of times on those cuts to the basket, there isn't really a good passing lane to deliver the ball. Something doesn't seem quite right about how those plays are drawn up.