Is NU "fun" bad?

I am starting to think NU might be crossing over from bad to fun "bad" after Fitz' "all the pieces are in place" presser on Monday.

For me, fun bad is when I start rooting for certain "fun" things to happen to it so that changes will be made to my team. For example, as much as I would love NU to beat Iowa, the next best thing for me is to root for Iowa to put up 400 yards of offense.

Next up on the Fun Bad run, OSU goes for 100 against a P5 opponent.

And if you think its gonna get better, the disappointed Gophers, overly optimistic Boilers and for real Illini are gonna make the end of this season "special" for us NU fans with our JON defense.


Iowa's offense has been regarded as the worst in FBS this year. Of course the JON defense provided the perfect remedy for their ailments, allowing them to easily score their season high points in a 33-13 rout. Why not just swap our entire defense with South Dakota State, who held Iowa to 7 points? At this point, it's obvious the problem with the NU defense is not the physical abilities of the players. Fitz, man up and shitcan JON already.

One stat tells the whole story: Iowa only punted 1 time against JON's defense.

Iowa punted 5 times or more in every game prior to today. That JON's defense could not stop Brian Ferentz's offense at all is as big a red flag as any over the last 2 years. Brian Ferentz is probably the worst OC in the Power 5, a nepotistic hire who should not be an OC at this level. What does that say about JON?

JON is the worst defensive coordinator in FBS; maybe the worst DC at any level of college or professional football. Bajakian's offense has not been anything to write home about either these past 2 years but Iowa's defense is legit, so I don't think today is a measuring stick for that side of the ball.

There's no coming back from this for JON; as long as he's here, we'll be a Dark Ages football team.

We are officially the “get right” game

Our defense is the cure for any ailing offense.

Fitz is delusional if JON is our DC any more than 48 hours after our last game. I would have personally fired him weeks ago, but an in-season switch is just not in Fitz’s MO.

You can’t keep JON and say with a straight face that you’re trying to compete. You just can’t.
