Question for Lou


I know you have a personal relationship, even a sort of friendship, with Fitz to manage, but I guess I’m just going to keep agitating politely for increasingly pointed questions to him.

I’d like to hear him directly asked “given another poor defensive performance, at what point do changes to the defensive coaching staff need to be made?”

This is far from the most aggressive question he could be asked, but it’s direct.

Meant to post this in The Rock


Some predictions for the remainder of this year:

- We win 1 remaining game
- Both of our wins this year come with trophies (LOL)
- Fitz makes the D coordinator change the Sunday after the season ends
- Coach Jake stays (continuity with Sullivan’s development a primary reason)
- We see a fair number of transfers in/out
- Skoronski goes pro

I’ve seen enough

Watched this game in the hopes that NU could pull out a win, however ugly.

I’m just not seeing it. Not even sure why I bothered watching.

One holding penalty derails our entire offense. Meanwhile Iowa’s maligned offense gets penalized and slices through the JON D like a hot knife through butter.

Clean house. Fire JON. Fire Springer. And put others on notice. (Yes, I know I’m just shouting into the void.)

#75, why?

Nothing is going right for NU now. I think it speaks to the depth of the problems when you look at #75. Totally overmatched. NU took him as a transfer. Apparently has no one better. How can a program succeed when you can’t develop an offensive line that can be competent. I see nothing from skill positions either but the OL and DL just look completely overmatched.
