HOOPS RECRUITING Wanna feel old?

2026 point guard Chris Kirkpatrick from New Trier is visiting NU to watch practice this weekend. Yep, he's the son of former NU guard Kip Kirkpatrick.

Chris is a 6-2 point guard. Just a sophomore, he's got an offer from Tavaras Hardy and Loyola Maryland. He already knows just about all there is to know about the NU basketball program.

Scouting report:

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Not your every day Moose Sighting but still has to portend Good Things Ahead for Wildcat Football

I see that per it is now only 82 days until Game Day as shown on the Far East Wildcat Kick Off Clock. Here is this weekend's Moose Sighting:

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As evident in the above video, a venture into the close by Estuary Park located in our Alaska neighborhood found us trapped as a Moose blocked our exit on the trail leading home. Just a week earlier a similar sized Moose had attacked another Alaska venturer in an Alaska community with the would be photographer losing his life.
Watch as the Moose separates us from a safe return and crosses on the trail ahead of us.

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As reflected in the above video, fortunately the Moose was more intent on grazing the park's vegetation than charging at us.

As an added point of historical interest, located in a suburb of the City of Anchorage, Alaska, the Natural Area was formerly the site of one of the few farms in the city. The farm's cleared open field has now grown over with natural vegetation which is accessible by an improved trail that extends out to a bluff area outlook and bird blinds which face the ocean waters and Point Resolution where Captain Cook's men hoisted the British Flag and claimed the surrounding land on his final voyage.

Here are some added still shots:






FB RECRUITING Wildcats win Big Ten battle for local tackle Michael O'Connell

I got in touch with Northwestern commit OT Michael O'Connell from Glen Ellyn (Ill.) Glenbard West about his decision, the importance of staying in Chicagoland and where the staff sees him fitting in up front.

Wildcats win Big Ten battle for local tackle Michael O'Connell

I got in touch with Northwestern commit OT Michael O'Connell from Glen Ellyn (Ill.) Glenbard West about his decision, the importance of staying in Chicagoland and where the staff sees him fitting in up front.

Good Chance For NU To Offer Up Some Goodwill.

Cats are in Washington that weekend, why not step up?

Norris Lawn Renovations

Yes, a bar will be returning to Norris! Good timing with possible football games on the lake.

SEC recruiting data point

Kind of slow here as we wait for camp to start so I thought I would post something that I found interesting.

I was at a work conference the last couple days and got on the bus to take everyone back to the airport. A younger woman in social media relations chose to sit next to me on the bus and we chatted a bit. She is from Houston originally but had lived in Chicago so we had something in common.

Later in the conversation she was talking about getting recruited with a scholarship to a mid-tier SEC school (sports-wise) because she hung out with the football players that they were trying to recruit. Their thinking was if they can get people who know the players to go to the school, it is more likely the players will go too.

She said it worked for 3 to 4 guys from her high school but the practice is stopped now. I know the world has changed with NIL vs. 2015, but thought it was an interesting data point that NU would never ever participate in.

It would be interesting to hear if GCG or others have similar stories of recruiting lows competitors will sink to.


Now that donations are required for all football season tickets...are they REALLY donations? Are they tax-deductible? If not, they're not really donations. And why go the "donations" route anyway? I know many schools do it, but why? If it's required for the purchase, why not just roll it into the season ticket price?
