This story is on the ESPN website...
Utah State said football coach Blake Anderson has been told he'll be fired for alleged noncompliance of Title IX policies, with Nate Dreiling named interim coach.
Apparently somebody associated with the Utah State football team was accused of sexual misconduct or domestic violence in Spring of 2023.
The head coach was made aware of the problem.
The coach investigated.
He appears to have not reported the allegations to the school in a timely manner.
Both "investigating" and "not reporting" violate university policy.
An external investigation was conducted.
The university notified the coach of their intent to fire him, but
gave him 14 days to respond, in accordance with his employment agreement.
The Deputy athletic director and director of player development were also fired. Presumably they were part of the cover-up.
defensive coordinator has been named interim coach for the 2024 season.
Athletic Director Diana Sabau met with the team and the football staff Tuesday to inform them of the news.
(apparently she addressed the team in her human form, not her digital form)
Its pretty sad that we are clowns compared to Utah State.