After all the AA belly aching


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2001
I'm surprised nobody said it was a nice atmosphere last night. I know BMac did.

It wasn't perfect at all. But for NU, 6300 on a Wednesday night is pretty good.

And before anyone argues about the 6300, it was probably the same percentage of tickets-sold-to-no-shows you would have seen at WR. So let's just call it 6300.

For an NU crowd, they were into it last night. That was a good Wednesday night of basketball.

That can be a reasonable home court for most - I emphasize "most" - of the season. Well at least by NU standards.
Fans in the lower bowl were actually standing for the last 5 minutes of the game! Of course, maybe that's because the sightlines from their seats were so bad...
It was an exciting game. I thought AA was fine. If folks stood at WRA, I had to stand there also. A lot of people are complaining/carping about AA, but they need to get over it. I miss some things about WRA, but plentiful bathrooms and drinking fountains are nice additions. I do not think there were many viable options to play the games other than AA. It could be a real home Arena if folks stop complaining, get off their lazy rear ends and open their wallets to attend games.
AA is going to be fine, and has a lot of advantages over old WRA, including the wide corridors. And I have no doubt that it will be very loud when the place starts to fill up. I remember seeing #1 DePaul vs. #3 UCLA back in 1980 -- the place was a madhouse. Last night was a good start. I do wish that they would make an effort to make game stats more accessible. From the best seats in the house (including Dr. Jim's), you can't even see either of the two side scoreboards that shows player points, fouls, etc. And they only show team stats (FG% etc.) during halftime, I believe. I'm sure we can't put anything on the ribbon boards with the rotating advertisers, but it would be nice to put stats on the main scoreboard at least during timeouts.
villox and I said the same - that the place will be really loud for full or full-ish games.
I've only been to All State once - back in the 1998 (or 9?) NIT with DePaul. Was in the second level. The lines of sight were terrible. Awful, awful place to watch a game. Give me the old Welsh Ryan over their 15K or whatever seats any day of the week.
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I'd be surprised if there were actually more than 5000 people there, but it was surprisingly loud for what was a sparse crowd for that building. Creighton fans were into it as well.

It's a lousy place to watch a game but we'll live with it if people can show up and make noise.

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