Anyone going to Seattle?


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Gold Member
May 29, 2001
I've got family in Seattle and Little Smelly is looking at colleges, so we're going to U-Dub in September. Anybody else making the trip?
My wife and I will probably go. When I spoke with the ticket rep a few weeks ago, he was uncertain when away game tickets would be available.
Since I live here, I'm going! I have 4 seats front row visitor side 50 yard line. Possible I'll have 1-2 to share here (but don't count on it).
Wanted to, but home game prices are pinching the budget 😃😃

Edit, but seriously, airline prices wow
My wife and I are definitely going. Plane tix already booked, waiting for the NU tix office to put away game tix on sale.
My wife and I will be going along with our son, his wife, our 19 month old grandson from Vancouver, a friend from Seattle I have not seen in about thirty years (has Wash State "Coug" connections dislikes UDub immensely and will be rooting vociferously for NU) and possibly a friend of my son's. Very, very much looking forward to the game and hoping I can get enough tickets from NU!
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I've got family in Seattle and Little Smelly is looking at colleges, so we're going to U-Dub in September. Anybody else making the trip?
I’m planning to go, meeting my dad there. Not sure if others from my group joining. Go Cats
Amcat daughter #2 lives in Seattle with her family, including 2 of our grandkids. So good chance we’ll make the trip. Guess I need to call the ticket office. Go Cats!