Braun’s future

How many times in the past 30 years has it been declared "Northwestern will NEVER be competitive in the modern Big Ten!" only to be proven wrong rather quickly? 4? 5?

We're having a bad season because we lost a bunch of talent, we don't have a QB with a pulse, and what talent we have left is largely injured. Yes, NU needs to get more active in the portal and yes, NU needs to dive more aggressively into handing out NIL money, but we're not doomed, we're not going to get kicked out of the conference, and people (including recruits) are in fact going to be impressed with our new stadium. Chris Collins is operating under the same limitations and he seems to be doing just fine.
Chris Collins’ don’t just fall off trees. NU hit the jackpot with him.
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Is d Braun going to be our version of Indiana post Bobby knight of Mike davis?? One good first year and a bunch of lost years. Then a replacement??
Mike Davis took IU to the NCAA Championship game (where they havent been since). Thats way better than “good.” If Braun took us to the playoff finals and then flamed out forever, I would be fine with that!
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This is not a good team, but a Ramsey/Bryant level of QB would make it a competitive team. Having an NIL that can afford a decent QB (recruit or transfer) instead of Jacob Schmidt having to do this with paper clips and duct tape (and paying minor sport athletes) would do it. That's it. 1M for a good QB*.

*Also decent judgment from Lujan and Braun. Any multi-celled organism can see that this group of QBs couldn't play for a top half MAC team.
Go watch pro sports exclusively if you don’t want to watch student-athletes. This shit is so tiring. Let’s maintain the college experience and have some standards.

You're seeing the result of that. So if that's what you want, no use complaining about it.
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He might even drop the lawsuit if that happens.
There is a nice picture of Fitz congratulating Sullivan after game ,his son is heading to Iowa ,once the lawsuit is paid off why would he think about returning,the mud that was slung by a unqualified AD and a complicit President in an attempt to engineer a statement hire did more damage to the program than any loss .
This season was likely going to be a rough one due to the talent deficiency on O, albeit not helped by the roster decisions (is Lausch just a less experienced version of Sully?) or the playcalling, so let's see what Braun can do with a few of his recruiting classes under his belt, along with the transfer portal (schools like Vandy and Dook made better decisions on their transfer QB).

Ultimately, what will make or break Braun is whether he can field an above average O-line.

Now, that may be a more difficult thing for a defensive minded coach, which is why preferred a HC on the other side of the ball.

Interestingly enough, the Hoosiers ended up hiring Cignetti because he had all the traits that they were looking for - 2 of which were being on the offensive side of the ball and having been a recruiting coordinator (was the RC at Bama).

While this is a gross ove r simplification, it's still funny that CFB fans are saying that the Hoosiers are winning with JMU players + an Ohio QB (who has since been injured; testament to the scheme that they don't seem to be missing a beat with their backup QB).

But while many of the skill players have been transfers (something like 44 players on IU roster were not ranked by the recruiting services), the foundation of the team has been the O-line which is made up of IU recruits (who have managed to stay healthy).

The Cats O under Lujan is supposed to be a run-oriented O; but where does that leave the Cats when they can't run the ball? (granted, losing both starting guards hurt, especially when the O-line was tenuous to b whin with).

After a decade of watching scrappy O-lines, I'm just sick of seeing the same thing over and over again, but in order to be fair to Braun, willing to give him some time to see whether he is the guy who can flip things at the O-line.

Having said that, he and his OC also need to make better decisions at the QB position.
We will see if IU can sustain success. I have a ton of IU friends so I’m happy for them this year but their success IS transfer based. Cool point about the OL but all their skill guys are transfers and many one year guys. We will see.

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