Collins Lost his fire


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Gold Member
Jan 1, 2010
It really looks like he's just going through the motions. Chambers is working the refs and laying into his players when necessary and Collins is reminding my of Carmody tonight. I hate seeing this.
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It really looks like he's just going through the motions. Chalmers is working the refs and laying into his players when necessary and Collins is reminding my of Carmody tonight. I hate seeing this.

I’m not going to jump to conclusions on what it means or if he’s lost any fire, but there is no doubt his demeanor is very different over the past several games. Easily noticeable too. Kind of weird.
It really looks like he's just going through the motions. Chalmers is working the refs and laying into his players when necessary and Collins is reminding my of Carmody tonight. I hate seeing this.
No game plan! Ash came in and we got three turnovers at end of first half. Second half, he doesn’t start but comes in makes some threes and gets us to within three and he takes him out. Plays Scottie, who is just plain nasty with his shooting and lazy defense! Wants to make me barf!
No game plan! Ash came in and we got three turnovers at end of first half. Second half, he doesn’t start but comes in makes some threes and gets us to within three and he takes him out. Plays Scottie, who is just plain nasty with his shooting and lazy defense! Wants to make me barf!

Please god shut up about ash. PLEASE
It really looks like he's just going through the motions. Chalmers is working the refs and laying into his players when necessary and Collins is reminding my of Carmody tonight. I hate seeing this.
This team has obviously not learned how to deal with success. The fire just isn' there. Maybe a big learning experience for Collins who has never had to be a coach on a team that has experienced success for the first time. The good news is they have their best recruiting class ever coming in next year and if things continue the way they have this year I trust Collins will do whatever it takes to learn and make sure his teams never take any season for granted again.
This team has obviously not learned how to deal with success. The fire just isn' there. Maybe a big learning experience for Collins who has never had to be a coach on a team that has experienced success for the first time. The good news is they have their best recruiting class ever coming in next year and if things continue the way they have this year I trust Collins will do whatever it takes to learn and make sure his teams never take any season for granted again.
Agreed. I just wish there was more energy especially tonight. We'll be fine and there is a ton of talent coming in. It just upset me when there was more energy from me tonight than him. Scottie got mauled right in front of him and he just stood there blankly with his arms crossed. Get that fire back!!!
Agreed. I just wish there was more fire especially tonight. We'll be fine and there is a ton of talent coming in. It just upset me when there was more fire from me tonight than him. Scottie got mauled right in front of him and he just stood there blankly with his arms crossed. Get that fire back!!!
I agree. It's really baffling that a team who played with great intensity last year can look so consistently flat this year. No explanation.
It really looks like he's just going through the motions. Chambers is working the refs and laying into his players when necessary and Collins is reminding my of Carmody tonight. I hate seeing this.
How about the players show that fire? How many times have we committed a hard foul when we had players abusing us for stretches? Do any of the players look all that pissed off at a sorry performance? I am sure they are frustrated but outwardly who looks like someone just stole their lunch money? There is something deeper here .
I'm reminded of 1994, when things looked so promising, and then fell apart. I wonder if CC has to wander into the stands to shake things up.
How about the players show that fire? How many times have we committed a hard foul when we had players abusing us for stretches? Do any of the players look all that pissed off at a sorry performance? I am sure they are frustrated but outwardly who looks like someone just stole their lunch money? There is something deeper here .
Exactly, screaming and yelling on the sidelines, doesn't win games, it's takes place on the floor. The most disinterested player tonight was Lindsey. He just looks like he doesn't want to be out there, never works for a shot and does zip on defense. Falzon looks hurt and that wasn't Mac out there tonight either.
This team caught lightning in a bottle last year. They just aren't that talented but they did something no other Cats team has ever done. Pressure of expectations, no true home court and a lack of a strong bench have brought them back to earth, but that great season gave us a terrific incoming class and a bright future. And, oh yeah, maybe it might make some of us a little more appreciative of the consistency of success that our football coach is having instead of complaining about "no league championships."
“Fire” from coaches is the province of meathead sports radio callers.

I award you zero points, just like NU tends to score on its possessions.
You clearly never played competitive sports or if you did you might not have won much. It starts at the top and a ton of its mental. What I saw tonight from the team and Collins was a lack of energy and simply being there because they had to. There are times where it's simply needed and I can point out a number of times where it simply didn't happen.
Put him on ignore. He’s a tool. You won’t regret it, I promise u
I deserve to be on ignore. I am losing patience with this team and that is not a good thing. Also,I gave my word that I wouldn't post till after the Minnesota game. Sorry for the intrusion boys. You won't hear from me for two weeks as a sign of good faith and comradarie. I do like our team for the most part. Just very disappointed with Lindsay. He was so good last year. Sorry again for going nutso. LoL. See you on January 19th. Good luck to nu players and fans. The reason I jumped back on was we got back in the game,only three down. I thought we would pull it out.
You clearly never played competitive sports or if you did you might not have won much. It starts at the top and a ton of its mental. What I saw tonight from the team and Collins was a lack of energy and simply being there because they had to. There are times where it's simply needed and I can point out a number of times where it simply didn't happen.

I stand by my statement.
I understand the "meatheadedness" of the sideline demeanor discussion and whether it motivates.

However, sometimes it's just obvious. It's also a body language that often sends a message.

In this case, there's a CLEAR difference worth discussing.
I stand by my statement.

This argument depends on the sport. In baseball for instance, the manager means almost nothing. The less he's managing, the better the team is likely doing. Football, coaching matters obviously. Basketball probably somewhere in between - anyone in the B1G could coach MSU this year and they'd still be beyond loaded
This argument depends on the sport. In baseball for instance, the manager means almost nothing. The less he's managing, the better the team is likely doing. Football, coaching matters obviously. Basketball probably somewhere in between - anyone in the B1G could coach MSU this year and they'd still be beyond loaded
I'd disagree with you on baseball. It's so mental and the coach is pivotal in keeping your head on straight. The season is long and it's easy to slump, but good coaching can mitigate slumps.
I'd disagree with you on baseball. It's so mental and the coach is pivotal in keeping your head on straight. The season is long and it's easy to slump, but good coaching can mitigate slumps.

No, I agree with you there. I’m talking more strategic, in game coaching. In that realm, all 30 managers are basically the same.
How would we compare his fire to the other 10 highest-paid coaches in college basketball?
When they had the huddles with the audio on the game last night, it was like there was absolutely no energy in the NU huddles from anyone. Players or coaches.
“Fire” from coaches is the province of meathead sports radio callers.

I award you zero points, just like NU tends to score on its possessions.
True and all the screaming in the world is not going to heal Rap and Falzon, add height to Pardon, shake Mac out of his shooting slump, stop Skelly from getting silly fouls or change Lindsey's attitude. yes, changes need to be made and just maybe some guys should sit and watch, while others get more minutes.
I think it's a big watch out to try and diagnose what ills this team based on body language watched through the television screen.

Regarding the premise that Collins has lost his fire. No in a million years. Collins will systematically work through different management and motivational techniques. But the idea that he'd stand on the sidelines dispassionate about what's occurring is gonzo.

Lindsey is a tough read, but I'd argue a guy that is easy to read wrong. He's not doing what we'd all like right now. The fact is, we don't know why. Could be mental, could be physical. We probably won't get the full story until after the season is over.

It's NU so there's not a big margin for error. We don't have the impactful bench we all hoped for preseason. The team offense is not performing to standard. The weapons we have aren't reliable. It's breaking up a little bit.

My money is that Collins will sort it and get about as much out of this year's crap show as can be got.
Any notion that we haven’t massively upgraded our talent is simply ridiculous. I don’t see last yr as lightning in a bottle. We all watched it happen - over 3 yrs.

But defense is worse, and I’m mystified by ALL the cold shooting. That alone is a recipe for losing games. Then there’s been sloppy play, too many turnovers and less rebounding. Then there’s AA. Falzon not there. Many surprises that we will debate. I definitely took too much for granted. On paper I assumed it might have even been a slightly better team than last yr.

To me it’s clear that the lack of a single, unifying goal has caused a change in attitude and in some players, effort. It’s causing them to play less as a team. Feels like they just assumed that now they would beat the teams they are supposed to beat (I suffered with that delusion), get to the dance, and all that was left would be where they would be seeded. But that doesn’t happen unless EVERYBONE brings it at 100% intensity for 40 minutes.

C’mon have it in you.
Watching the last two games I just honestly thought that Nebraska and Penn State had the better talent...bigger, stronger and faster.....I think the team is in shock...maybe the coach as well...Most of the games this year I think the other team will have the better talent....I think last year teams just played their game thinking they were the better teams and we were able to win by outplaying them...they now know we can beat them and have adjusted to us defensively and offensively.They really pressure BMac on defense....and just take the ball to the basket on offense cuz we just cannot defend dribble penetration....we just have a lot of guys who are stand and shoot types of guys ...or like Brown who can penetrate but cant finish...very few of the guys can create their own our best options are 1. BMAc going to the hoop 2. Pardon posted up or 3. Stand and shoot..... all can be defensed.. Defensively, especially since they started emphasizing hand checking, we have a hard time defending players that can put the ball on the floor. Not much we can do offensively,,,either Pardon has good success or Falzone and Lindsey get hot....THe real answer is the Coach has got to figure out what adjustments can be made with the talent we have to keep us in the game to the point where if we out hustle and or get a couple breaks we can win. Kids looked so dejected the last 5minutes of the PS the realization was setting in. I hope I am absolutely wrong. Also do people think Benson has improved since last year?
Let me do the math; Without BMac Cats lose by 15 to Nebraska, WITH BMac Cats lose by 15 to Penn State. That makes it look like it wasn't Ash's fault after all! Now I guess it's Collins fault. Won't be long before we're back blaming Carmody. You NU fans are making Illini fans sound like geniuses!
NU is getting hammered down low losing the rebound battle v. PSU 40-27 against Watkins and Stevens. Against UNL, Copeland and others caused NU trouble downlow because they have more than one guy down low. Maybe it is time to put Benson and Pardon on the floor at the same time. We need to recruit more big, physical and tough players if we want to win 10 or more conference games.

Against MSU and other top tier Big 10 teams, you need more than a 6’8” center to battle against 4-5 big guys on each team. Falzon is a non-factor on defense and Skelly gets 2 fouls in 5 minutes. If Pardon wants to make a NBA squad, he will have to play the PF position. Maybe he should start playing the position now.
Let me do the math; Without BMac Cats lose by 15 to Nebraska, WITH BMac Cats lose by 15 to Penn State. That makes it look like it wasn't Ash's fault after all! Now I guess it's Collins fault. Won't be long before we're back blaming Carmody. You NU fans are making Illini fans sound like geniuses!

It’s Luther Head’s fault.
NU is getting hammered down low losing the rebound battle v. PSU 40-27 against Watkins and Stevens. Against UNL, Copeland and others caused NU trouble downlow because they have more than one guy down low. Maybe it is time to put Benson and Pardon on the floor at the same time. We need to recruit more big, physical and tough players if we want to win 10 or more conference games.

Against MSU and other top tier Big 10 teams, you need more than a 6’8” center to battle against 4-5 big guys on each team. Falzon is a non-factor on defense and Skelly gets 2 fouls in 5 minutes. If Pardon wants to make a NBA squad, he will have to play the PF position. Maybe he should start playing the position now.

Spot on. Did you notice that Pardon and Benson were on the floor at the same time last night? Expect to see more of that if Skelly continues to be in his funk (Falzon is a non-factor on D since he clearly cannot run full speed; painful to watch at this point but admire his fortitude)