Disappointed in Chris Collins


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2016
mucho returning starters

Good bench players

A new deal for him that pays $3 M a year - one of tops in the country

And he’s gotten his team prepared and looking like this?

This is the kind of loss that will hang around our necks the rest of the season. "Northwestern, which lost by XX to Texas Tech ..."
This is the kind of loss that will hang around our necks the rest of the season. "Northwestern, which lost by XX to Texas Tech ..."
Yea... only saving grace is that the game took place before Thanksgiving. Hopefully CCC wins a few big ones in conference play to offset this blowout.
As I said in the game thread, it makes all his bluster about "wanting to win championships" ring hollow.

If people are going to hammer Fitz for not having his team at its best early for Duke, then they have to hold Collins accountable too. Even if Texas Tech ends up being really good, to get blown out by that much, to ANYONE, is inexcusable.
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mucho returning starters

Good bench players

A new deal for him that pays $3 M a year - one of tops in the country

And he’s gotten his team prepared and looking like this?

C'mon man. Didn't we talk about this a month ago, i.e., 5 games in 10 days?
Thank the Big Ten for all of this crap. Trying to put 10 pounds of potatoes in a 5 pound sack never works.
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mucho returning starters

Good bench players

A new deal for him that pays $3 M a year - one of tops in the country

And he’s gotten his team prepared and looking like this?


Uh, you forget we made he Dance last year? Other teams know this as well. Welcome to being the hunted, and not the hunter. Collins is an excellent coach and will adjust-- zero people will remember this game if we return to the Dance this year. No one.
C'mon man. Didn't we talk about this a month ago, i.e., 5 games in 10 days?
Thank the Big Ten for all of this crap. Trying to put 10 pounds of potatoes in a 5 pound sack never works.
I think you got it. These kids didn't suddenly forget how to play basketball. They just looked like a tired team. At this point the pressure of high expectations is off and they can get back to having a chip on their shoulder and play the underdogs. Flush it.
The biggest issue with this team has less to do with Collins and more to do with some jealousy within the team.

They’ll either sort it out or they’ll have a disappointing year. It’s up to the players.

Explains a lot of what I've seen on the court.
The biggest issue with this team has less to do with Collins and more to do with some jealousy within the team.

They’ll either sort it out or they’ll have a disappointing year. It’s up to the players.

Oh how I wish you'd shed more light on that topic!
Say more....what have you seen that can be explained by jealousy?

Mostly on the defensive end. I've seen as much bitching between players about missed assignments after a made basket in the first few games as I've seen in a whole a season. Watch a tape of any game.

Not as much on the offensive end, with the exception of one player not asserting himself as much as you'd think.

The young guys are pretty selfless.
The biggest issue with this team has less to do with Collins and more to do with some jealousy within the team.

They’ll either sort it out or they’ll have a disappointing year. It’s up to the players.
Everyone knows who needs to play and who doesn’t! It will all get worked out one way or another! Mac looked positively sensational for the past two games! Mac played like an AA! But he had nothing today. He needed to be on the bench and Gaines,Ash,and Brown get in there! Lindsey was slow as molasses, and Law looked horrible too!
Not as much on the offensive end, with the exception of one player not asserting himself as much as you'd think.

I don't think Law is a natural offensive player. He's athletic, but not really a scorer. He's actually better as a spot up shooter.
mucho returning starters

Good bench players

A new deal for him that pays $3 M a year - one of tops in the country

And he’s gotten his team prepared and looking like this?

Your memory is pretty short. Give him some slack This is not the same team as last year which had been together for a couple years. And Sanjay was more important than many gave him credit for. Plus we have been playing pretty short handed so far this year. Let them work it out.
just wanted to say the OP is bullshit. We're, what, five games removed from the NCAA tournament? This staff has absolutely worked their respective patooties off. These players have the table set for them. They want to be called big boys...time to put on their big boy pants.

I'd venture that Texas Tech won't shoot above 60% over the course of a game the entire year. I'd put money on it. This happens in basketball.

NU is good, but not THAT good. They have to bring it every game.

Guys better step up or Collins will give them an unwelcome surprise.
The biggest issue with this team has less to do with Collins and more to do with some jealousy within the team.

They’ll either sort it out or they’ll have a disappointing year. It’s up to the players.

Good god. They have FOUR captains. Figure it out.
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just wanted to say the OP is bullshit. We're, what, five games removed from the NCAA tournament? This staff has absolutely worked their respective patooties off. These players have the table set for them. They want to be called big boys...time to put on their big boy pants.

I'd venture that Texas Tech won't shoot above 60% over the course of a game the entire year. I'd put money on it. This happens in basketball.

NU is good, but not THAT good. They have to bring it every game.

Guys better step up or Collins will give them an unwelcome surprise.
The hot shooting is one thing but the turnovers... at year we averaged about 10 and so far this year close to 16. That needs to be straightened out real quick
The turnovers and the interior defense are extremely concerning. Signs of a soft team. If there's one silver lining, it's that the loss was bad enough to force everyone (including fans) to lose their entitlement and to stop living off the crumbs of last year.
Texas Tech has five seniors in its starting lineup which is unusual. Last season there was a senior laden team who was pretty tough and caught fire at the end of the season. They were South Carolina and they went to the Final 4. Texas Tech is a hungry team that went 18-14 and did not make the post season.

As for McIntosh, he had an off game and when that happens everything falls apart. As for Vic Law, he has to guard the opponent’s top offensive player which often is the point guard (Keenan Evans this afternoon) and that means running through multiple screens and yes, he is not a natural dribble penetration guy. A lot of that results from the fact that McIntosh is not a great on ball defender. Law looked pretty good on Wednesday night with 30 points. The team turned the ball over way too much and got beat to 50/50 balls. 5th game in 10 days did not help.

Also, it is tough being the hunted and not the hunter.

Team will get better but needs to play better team defense. Pardon can not commit early fouls. Team needs to get better bench contributions. And no, Ash is not the answer. He is not a good enough ball handler to be a PG and is not good enough shooter to be a SG. He can be a low minute defensive replacement, but is neither a true PG or SG. I know it is a running joke to bring it up, but the facts are the facts.
Texas Tech has five seniors in its starting lineup which is unusual. Last season there was a senior laden team who was pretty tough and caught fire at the end of the season. They were South Carolina and they went to the Final 4. Texas Tech is a hungry team that went 18-14 and did not make the post season.

As for McIntosh, he had an off game and when that happens everything falls apart. As for Vic Law, he has to guard the opponent’s top offensive player which often is the point guard (Keenan Evans this afternoon) and that means running through multiple screens and yes, he is not a natural dribble penetration guy. A lot of that results from the fact that McIntosh is not a great on ball defender. Law looked pretty good on Wednesday night with 30 points. The team turned the ball over way too much and got beat to 50/50 balls. 5th game in 10 days did not help.

Also, it is tough being the hunted and not the hunter.

Team will get better but needs to play better team defense. Pardon can not commit early fouls. Team needs to get better bench contributions. And no, Ash is not the answer. He is not a good enough ball handler to be a PG and is not good enough shooter to be a SG. He can be a low minute defensive replacement, but is neither a true PG or SG. I know it is a running joke to bring it up, but the facts are the facts.

And NU starts four fourth-year players and a third-year player.

They should be way better. Something's off, particularly on defense and on rebounding.
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They have to bring it every game.


Plus the hunted vs hunter. Plus BMac and Vic looked very tired. Skelly dissapeared. Credit Texas. Texas brought 50% more intensity. Right now I’d put both Texas Tech and Creighton as #25 and #30 respectively, and NU somewhere between #40-50. If they have something to sort out in the locker room as well, that’s disappointing, but something Collins will fix.

But the takeaway is if you don’t bring it 100% you can lose to almost any team.

Tonight sucked, but Collins has time to get this team working together.
Texas Tech has five seniors in its starting lineup which is unusual. Last season there was a senior laden team who was pretty tough and caught fire at the end of the season. They were South Carolina and they went to the Final 4. Texas Tech is a hungry team that went 18-14 and did not make the post season.

As for McIntosh, he had an off game and when that happens everything falls apart. As for Vic Law, he has to guard the opponent’s top offensive player which often is the point guard (Keenan Evans this afternoon) and that means running through multiple screens and yes, he is not a natural dribble penetration guy. A lot of that results from the fact that McIntosh is not a great on ball defender. Law looked pretty good on Wednesday night with 30 points. The team turned the ball over way too much and got beat to 50/50 balls. 5th game in 10 days did not help.

Also, it is tough being the hunted and not the hunter.

Team will get better but needs to play better team defense. Pardon can not commit early fouls. Team needs to get better bench contributions. And no, Ash is not the answer. He is not a good enough ball handler to be a PG and is not good enough shooter to be a SG. He can be a low minute defensive replacement, but is neither a true PG or SG. I know it is a running joke to bring it up, but the facts are the facts.
I think the guys were exhausted! Too many games in a short time! I love this team
I knew Sanjay's contributions were important -- I think we all did . . . but I didn't realize just how important. Some of the easy baskets we're giving up, it just doesn't look the same as it did last year on that end of the floor.
So far they're looking like a team and coach that have been reading too many press clippings. If so, they'd better get over themselves in short order.
If they aren't "over themselves" after yesterdays debacle then heaven help them......
The biggest issue with this team has less to do with Collins and more to do with some jealousy within the team.

They’ll either sort it out or they’ll have a disappointing year. It’s up to the players.
that doesn't have much to do with it. Jealousy exist during every season. If one player needs to "Man Up" and be more selfless then that will work itself out as the season progresses. It always does. Other players who want more time can't have their "Barbie Tantrums", NOR their parents. hint hint. The fact remains that nobody is entitled and I have seen NOTHING from the younger players who want more time. They have to "Step Up", they aren't god's little gift. Thus far, I'd say that Gaines is getting eaten alive and not ready. Brown is unsure of himself out there and not a factor... and not himself. Ash is a journeyman at best. Falzon is too soft but doable. Rap needs serious confidence and work. Benson is decent. Pardon has more to give. Law is doing all he can. Skelly deserves minutes but isn't that great. Lindsay is sporadic. Bmac is awesome.

On defense, we must need to play more zone but that's a coaching decision. We are getting eaten alive on defense playing man to man thus far. Collins will figure that out.
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Jealousy was not the reason for the losses to Creighton. T

urnovers, poor rebounding, bad defense, tougher athletic, physical and experienced opposing guards and off nights by Lindsey in the Creighton game and McIntosh and Law in the Texas Tech game were the central causes of the defeat. Players at the end of the bench should always not be happy about lack of minutes. Good to see Falzon on the floor and contributing. Now, Skelly can return to his best role as the energy guy and sixth man off the bench. Pardon has also struggled staying on the floor with fouls and has not been winning enough rebounding battles. Will turn it around, but ran into two teams who were shooting lights out in both games. But keep on yelling for Ash to see more minutes and see where that gets you. It is like Teddy G. and his new offensive coordinator and WR coaches rants that really influenced Coach Fitz to change his staff. But then ooops ... a 6 game winning streak occurred and their calls were muted. Losses to an undefeated UW and a top 10 PSU squad were so awful and a loss to Duke when NU's starting safety was thrown out of the game for a questionable targeting call and NU was down to their 5th string CB who got exposed on a number of throws. Not too shabby of a season!
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I was a student manager for a D1 team when I was in college. There was solid talent on that team, relative to the mid major conference they were in. There were issues between just a couple of the players, but it had an effect on the whole team, and definitely influenced how they played, and that team severely underachieved.

People don’t want to think that kind of stuff should matter, but It does.
that doesn't have much to do with it. Jealousy exist during every season. If one player needs to "Man Up" and be more selfless then that will work itself out as the season progresses. It always does. Other players who want more time can't have their "Barbie Tantrums", NOR their parents. hint hint. The fact remains that nobody is entitled and I have seen NOTHING from the younger players who want more time. They have to "Step Up", they aren't god's little gift. Thus far, I'd say that Gaines is getting eaten alive and not ready. Brown is unsure of himself out there and not a factor... and not himself. Ash is a journeyman at best. Falzon is too soft but doable. Rap needs serious confidence and work. Benson is decent. Pardon has more to give. Law is doing all he can. Skelly deserves minutes but isn't that great. Lindsay is sporadic. Bmac is awesome.

On defense, we must need to play more zone but that's a coaching decision. We are getting eaten alive on defense playing man to man thus far. Collins will figure that out.
Man on man is crushing us. At some point, Collins may play a more unpredictable defence. We cant man up.

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