Do or die time for Northwesterns hopes for an NCAA bid! Action starts tomorrow!


Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2015
A winnable game at Indiana before home games against solid Big Ten teams Ohio State, PSU, and an away game at struggling Minnesota. Can the Cats make a run for it and win these next four games? A 6-3 BT mark means we are a seventh or eighth seed at the tourney. Likely, we would sit fourth in BT! Win the next game at Michigan and all hell will break loose as we are looking at being third in BT and a fifth seed! Heck, we may be tied for fourth around 10pm tomorrow evening.
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Wrassler, you got the whole situation in a serious haymaker! We absolutely must beat Ind tomorrow! If there is a time to turn around this season, the time is NOW! Gosh, if we could pull off what you wrote in your post, I'd say CC should get BIG coach of the year! CC needs to use the force from his days with Coach K, and get the fellas ready to play their hearts out and get that ncaa tourney bid! I couldn't care less what seeding we get- let's just get in and then kick some tush!!!
I like our new defense Mickbula. The forward press allows our big men,Dererk and Skelly,to get set on defense. The only problem is the guys will get gassed. We will need our bench,big time,the next five games! Go Cats
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I like our new defense Mickbula. The forward press allows our big men,Dererk and Skelly,to get set on defense. The only problem is the guys will get gassed. We will need our bench,big time,the next five games! Go Cats
We are a deep team! If we continue to play D like vs Minn, the other teams will get even more tired than us! I'd say just rotate the guys and keep pressing! We need to keep up the high intensity to stay on track. I think CC might have found the medicine for our ills on D and O!!
We are a deep team! If we continue to play D like vs Minn, the other teams will get even more tired than us! I'd say just rotate the guys and keep pressing! We need to keep up the high intensity to stay on track. I think CC might have found the medicine for our ills on D and O!!
Right on! We are gonna jump all over em like gangbusters! We are gonna steal a victory from em!
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