So you think coaches should be allowed to run onto the floor, during the game to argue calls.
I guess I just see it differently.
I think the players and refs should be on the floor, and the coaches on the sideline. Ya know, in that thing they call the coaches box.
Maybe I'm too old fashioned.
No, you're just an ass. That's not a personal attack. It's just an observation.
Please, in this most historic of seasons, can you name a single post you've written on this board that was even neutral much less positive about the Cats or Coach Collins? Did you get any joy out of this season whatsoever? And why is it that you only post when NU loses?
Are you really a Wildcats fan? What exactly is your problem that you cannot acknowledge the positives of this historic year?
BTW, Coach Collins is a semi-finalist for Coach of the Year. Pretty sure the Nova coach won't get it. Maybe Few will get it if he wins it all. Not sure Self would beat out Collins given the expectations that Kansas had, even if he wins it all. What will you do if Chris Collins wins National Coach of the Year?