Facebookers and Tweeters...


Well-Known Member
Gold Member
Sep 1, 2004
I encourage you to take literally two minutes to login and "like" or "favorite" (or share/retweet) the Fitz tweets/posts about each member of the incoming class. I just mentioned this in another terms of social media, other programs blow us away when it comes to this stuff. It's just a token gesture, but it takes virtually no effort on our part and it's one very, very simple but tangible thing we can do as fans to show some attention to our incoming players on what is surely a big day for each of them.
I'm gonna like every single one....except Steven Reese. Someone's gotta let him know about that mustache...come on, man!
FB - done. Thanks for encouraging us to do this.
Originally posted by CatQ:
FB - done. Thanks for encouraging us to do this.
Thanks Q...I really think it just needs to become commonplace for us. We naturally have a smaller fan base so stupid things like this require a more concentrated effort to move the needle. And for those who don't want to "like" stuff on facebook because it then shows up in your feed...just "favorite" it on twitter. High school kids are using FB less and less anyway...when you "favorite" a tweet it adds to the overall count but won't show up in your feed unless you retweet it. One of the original reasons I started a twitter account was because I actually worried that Fitz wouldn't have a decent enough number of followers and it would reflect negatively on the program. Thankfully he's up to almost 30K now, but it was rough for a while. Now I just use it to follow mostly college football and local news. Ok I've rambled enough.
NU's never going to get kids who seek the glory and perks and scrutiny of an OSU or Michigan or any sec program that isn't Vandy or Kentucky. Thats part of why we love the program, right?

Spend your 2 minutes on buzzfeed or clickhole.
Grant Perry's announcement for Michigan today stands at just over 1,000 retweets and favorites on twitter. If he had stayed at Northwestern, he'd be hovering around 50-75.

This is a kid who almost went to Northwestern. I'm not saying he flipped to Michigan for the adoration on social media, but he probably doesn't mind the attention today, and I don't think a 17-18 year old recruit is wrong for wanting and maybe even deserving a little more social media attention that they currently get for signing with a school like NU. I don't ever expect us to compete with other fan bases just based on sheer volume alone, but it would be nice to have more hands on deck.
I mean, one is free to spend one's time how one wants, but no kid who prioritizes huge crowds and a social media juggernaut is coming to NU. I won't criticize anyone for trying to start that social media juggernaut, but the fact is that NU is special because NU is a school of 7500 that competes with schools 5 times its size - and even wins sometimes.

So, I mean, it's nice to retweet Tommy Vitale because you want him to feel special or something. But it's not worth if you're trying to contribute to anything more than that.

Our fan base will always be smaller than big state U. It's cool. It's who we are. I don't mind 20 or so talented, hardworking, humble types. "No hat dances," you know?
I think you've mischaracterized my remarks on this either intentionally, cynically, or because you are confused. I would liken favorites/likes/retweets on social media to applause, but maybe you do not applaud a good catch or a sack by our players in a game because you think the accomplishment should be its own reward without your recognition, because, after kid comes to NU for the applause, right?

I've made my case and you've made yours, and I'll leave it at that.
Re-reading, you're probably right that I mischaracterized.

I used the word juggernaut. You talked about the players and their special day.

I was caught up in the idea of 3,000 retweets. 200 matters too, in the same way that a Facebook post on your birthday does. All of them feel nice, except from ex girlfriends.

So, I agree, retweeting on national signing day > ClickHole.

Sheff, you're a credit to our fan base. Now let's promptly turn our attention to Joe Maddon and the northsiders, unless your name refers to a non-Wrigley Sheffield (in which case, my mind would be blown.)

Off to Like things. Thanks for the recommendation.

This post was edited on 2/4 5:49 PM by NUCat320
Sorry for the tangle. Virtual handshake.

Handle comes from when I first moved to Chicago and lived on Sheffield Ave at School St. in 2004 and discovered the message board...was the first name that came to mind.