I hope in the foreseeable future we will have an administration that will welcome Fitz back to campus with an invitation that he will accept and his legacy at NU will be, in the long run, rightfully held in high esteem.
I do not think anything that happened at NU under his watch was any worse than anything happening in 99% of college locker rooms everywhere/anywhere. In fact, I bet it wasn't even close to as bad as it is in many places.
Fitz's fatal mistake was building his brand on being someone beyond reproach when it came to hazing, and making frequent, public statements to that effect. Stuff happened that fit the legal and institutional definition of hazing and initiation, which frankly does not surprise me at all. For those who insist he didn't know/couldn't have known, then he shouldn't have been so emphatic about it not happening.
Apart from should he/shouldn't he have been fired for cause...I would be interested to see/know how he would have navigated the seismic impact NIL has had over the past two years. I agree with those who think we were well-positioned to have an excellent 2023 season. But it's also not hard to picture him giving a million interviews over the past two years talking about how he's old school and how he was a poor college student back in the 90s and "that's how it should be." Maybe he would have shown agility and changed quickly with the times, but nothing about what we know about him would suggest this.