The sons of satan
Await their watery doom
Lake the damn devils
Await their watery doom
Lake the damn devils
Nietzsche described this...This happens most years
An unbearable sameness
Let’s hope, no more Duke.
Let’s end this miserable entanglement with a victory, too.
(the lake)?The bell tolls for thee,
Duke: beware, for the gales of
(September) come early!
Close but no cigarDuke visits the Lakefill, if they beat Wildcats again, hurts our bowl chances.
E x t r aAzure sloth propound
Tyrian Truth settles score
Now and for All Time
(the lake)?
Hey, I can forget how to count overnight,Much better. Dang, I forgot how to count over the summer!
Oh, hi NUCat320.