Miller Flop

1-7 and a whopping 3 points. Thank god “miserable Miller” is gone!
I don't get the antipathy toward Kopp. He played hard for us for years, and for that I am thankful. It was nice to beat him, but I don't think there's any reason we should be sour toward him. Thank you Miller for your many contributions to NU bball over the years. And, totally unrelated, thank you for helping us get a much needed W tonight.
I don't get the antipathy toward Kopp. He played hard for us for years, and for that I am thankful. It was nice to beat him, but I don't think there's any reason we should be sour toward him. Thank you Miller for your many contributions to NU bball over the years. And, totally unrelated, thank you for helping us get a much needed W tonight.
Wholeheartedly agree.

Wish he would have left the conference, but I don’t harbor any ill will towards Miller Kopp.
I don't get the antipathy toward Kopp. He played hard for us for years, and for that I am thankful. It was nice to beat him, but I don't think there's any reason we should be sour toward him. Thank you Miller for your many contributions to NU bball over the years. And, totally unrelated, thank you for helping us get a much needed W tonight.
The bitterness toward Kopp is limited primarily to those people who bend over backwards to defend Chris Collins. Personally, I think the classy thing to do is keep your mouth shut when you quit one team to join a rival. Kopp didn't do that. He disparaged the program, or offered his honest (frustrated) opinion. It put the basketball program in a bad light - no doubt about that.

So if you like Collins, you're very angry at Kopp.
The bitterness toward Kopp is limited primarily to those people who bend over backwards to defend Chris Collins. Personally, I think the classy thing to do is keep your mouth shut when you quit one team to join a rival. Kopp didn't do that. He disparaged the program, or offered his honest (frustrated) opinion. It put the basketball program in a bad light - no doubt about that.

So if you like Collins, you're very angry at Kopp.
Utter BS. You have now lost almost all credibility, PWB.
I don't get the antipathy toward Kopp. He played hard for us for years, and for that I am thankful.
Eh. I'm not gonna waste time thinking about him unless we're playing IU, but he did kinda quit on the team last season. Beyond that I don't really care about him either way and wish him the best because he's a human being and life is hard enough as it is.
I don't get the antipathy toward Kopp. He played hard for us for years, and for that I am thankful. It was nice to beat him, but I don't think there's any reason we should be sour toward him. Thank you Miller for your many contributions to NU bball over the years. And, totally unrelated, thank you for helping us get a much needed W tonight.
Did he? I saw him quit in games or just come out with a terrible attitude multiple times. I’m also fairly certain I didn’t see him shake at the end of the game unless I totally missed it but I was looking and think he immediately left the court.
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I don't get the antipathy toward Kopp. He played hard for us for years, and for that I am thankful. It was nice to beat him, but I don't think there's any reason we should be sour toward him. Thank you Miller for your many contributions to NU bball over the years. And, totally unrelated, thank you for helping us get a much needed W tonight.
He threw the program under the bus on his way out and essentially made the point that the only person not to blame for him not being better was him. It was never evident that he tried to improve his game or play the role the team wanted him to play. He certainly did not play hard at the end of last year.

Edited to add: he was supposed to be a senior leader this year, but instead he left without his degree to an in-conference team where he could finally “swag out” and be the NBA player NU simply wasn’t allowing him to be. I think the antipathy is well placed in this instance and tonight was a just end.
The bitterness toward Kopp is limited primarily to those people who bend over backwards to defend Chris Collins. Personally, I think the classy thing to do is keep your mouth shut when you quit one team to join a rival. Kopp didn't do that. He disparaged the program, or offered his honest (frustrated) opinion. It put the basketball program in a bad light - no doubt about that.

So if you like Collins, you're very angry at Kopp.
No, there are a lot of folks that aren’t exactly pro-CCC that are hot that Miserable Miller left and basically trashed the program out the door.

I didn’t see one player acknowledge Kopp and I for one was glad the students ride him hard!
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Greer and Nance both hugged him and talked with him for a second in the handshake line. Glad to see the players have the kind of classy that fans sometimes can't muster. Instead of just enjoying the victory, it's this kind of silliness.
Precisely. Thank goodness for the maturity of Greer and Nance and our players, which apparently many of our fans lack. It was a good game tonight.
Greer and Nance both hugged him and talked with him for a second in the handshake line. Glad to see the players have the kind of classy that fans sometimes can't muster. Instead of just enjoying the victory, it's this kind of silliness.
There are 368 D1 schools. When you transfer to one of the 14 B1G schools and you trash your team on the way out after clearly quitting during the season then you deserve the criticism. I would have rooted for him all day if he left the conference and left quietly.
There are 368 D1 schools. When you transfer to one of the 14 B1G schools and you trash your team on the way out after clearly quitting during the season then you deserve the criticism. I would have rooted for him all day if he left the conference and left quietly.
Leave it to NU fans to find the most overwrought, hoity-toity take about who is “classy” or not.

It’s a game for entertainment. You need heroes and you need villains, you need drama and intrigue. It’s all for fun! No one wished Miller ill health or a bad life or threatened violence or whatever. He got to play the role of villain tonight. He got a mild chorus of boo birds, come on.

If people are worried about class, they should hear and see some of the things IU fans were saying in the arena and are posting tonight about him. Let’s take the stick out of our ass.
If Kopp had transferred out of the Big 10 not that big a deal. However he chose to go to Indiana and then ran his mouth about how he wasn’t getting opportunities to show off his elite skillz at NU.

I’m sure any pro scouts from Estonia were drooling tonight over his game.

Did he even get his NU degree? If not, whoever is giving him life advice isn‘t doing him any favors for sure.
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He threw the program under the bus on his way out and essentially made the point that the only person not to blame for him not being better was him. It was never evident that he tried to improve his game or play the role the team wanted him to play. He certainly did not play hard at the end of last year.

Edited to add: he was supposed to be a senior leader this year, but instead he left without his degree to an in-conference team where he could finally “swag out” and be the NBA player NU simply wasn’t allowing him to be. I think the antipathy is well placed in this instance and tonight was a just end.
I’d like to share the Truth with folks: this may not be the end.

We could still play Indiana in the BTT when they’re full strength, and Kopp could get the last laugh.

After Benedict & BJo transferred to ND, I’m now used to our players leaving for an Indiana ‘rival’ to improve their pro prospects.

Unlike in football, I think Kopp’s departure helped our team and didn’t do much for Indiana. Que sera sera.
Greer and Nance both hugged him and talked with him for a second in the handshake line. Glad to see the players have the kind of classy that fans sometimes can't muster. Instead of just enjoying the victory, it's this kind of silliness.
Not only the players, but Collins comments during the presser were kind toward Miller as well.

I think the ‘Cats handled this quite well in the public sphere.
Leave it to NU fans to find the most overwrought, hoity-toity take about who is “classy” or not.

It’s a game for entertainment. You need heroes and you need villains, you need drama and intrigue. It’s all for fun! No one wished Miller ill health or a bad life or threatened violence or whatever. He got to play the role of villain tonight. He got a mild chorus of boo birds, come on.

If people are worried about class, they should hear and see some of the things IU fans were saying in the arena and are posting tonight about him. Let’s take the stick out of our ass.
Yeah, what a bunch of crap that gets spread about classy. Basically, his jaws have been flapping since he announced about the great Woodson developing his game and NBA pedigree. Contrast to Brandon Joseph, who 1) has a legitimate Potential Professional career and 2) sung the praises of NU out the door. You reap what you sow.

BTW, the Wilson Club was polite and purple seats generally don’t cause much friction. We must have posters in the Wilson Club. The students heckled Miller and I for one am proud of their efforts.
Posts like that are useless. With what do you disagree? Or zip it.
When you attribute inflammatory remarks to others inaccurately, you merit a post like I sent. “If you like Collins, you are angry at Kopp”. I’ve never read anything more inane, unfair and inaccurate. It doesn’t require more discussion. Amazing I even had to repeat for you that comment you made. You should apologize to the board members, and especially those who like Collins.

And telling me to then zip it over a message board is childish and useless, don’t you think? I had sensed you were better than that, but I’m no longer sure.
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Yeah, what a bunch of crap that gets spread about classy. Basically, his jaws have been flapping since he announced about the great Woodson developing his game and NBA pedigree.
From ESPN:

"Coach Woodson sees my potential as a versatile player and he has a plan for my development," Kopp said.​
Kopp expects to be utilized differently with Indiana than he was at Northwestern.​
"I think the Big Ten will see a different player," he said. "Someone who's a versatile player offensively and more than a shooter. Playing in the open court, playing in ball screens and more swagged up overall, to be frank."​

From another article:

"Really, what stuck out to me was just a straightforward realness coach Woodson had, and obviously his NBA background," Kopp told IndyStar on Tuesday morning. "His pedigree is bigtime. He knew what he was talking about. After he watched my film and saw what I can do, what he thinks he can add to my game, it definitely was really intriguing."​

From Inside the Hall:

You talked about his plan for you, what can you share about the plan for how Indiana wants to utilize you?
“Obviously I feel like I can shoot the ball and coach knows that. Really just using that to help everybody else in terms of spacing the floor, but also things that I haven’t done as much like handling the ball and playing out of pick-and-roll and making the right reads in that kind of environment. And also being a better rebounder is something coach wants me to do and it’s something I want, too.”​

The Miller Kopp I saw last night looked an awful lot like the Miller Kopp of last year.
The Miller Kopp I saw last night looked awful like the Miller Kopp of last year.

(Disclosure: I’ll probably watch the game tonight, but I saw enough in the ten minutes I saw of the Illinois-Indiana game to know he’s the same old dude.)

Of course, Kopp’s worst game last season was the conference tournament game, when he tried to shoot from all over the court and show his complete game, and he just missed a bunch and turned it over. Better for him to be content standing at the arc and waiting.
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My opinion on Kopp...I believe he's a player that thinks he is better than he is. This doesn't mean he's not a good player (he's been a starter on two Big Ten teams, so he obviously has some skill), but I think he felt he could be more than what we were asking him to be. So he took a chance to transfer to a team that also believed he could be more than that. I view it as a guy who left to go to what he felt was a better situation and challenge himself to become a more well rounded player. And unfortunately for him and Indiana, it hasn't really worked out.

He never directly said anything negative about NU, and he clearly has a good relationship with at least some players on the team, but he did say some things after his transfer that made it sound like NU was holding him back. And that sticks with me a little bit. Cause hey, you want to transfer and go to a spot that you feel is a better fit for the player you think you can be? Okay, I get it. But no need to come out and make public comments that indicate NU was holding you back. Even if he didn't mean it that way, that is how it came off.

So I do not root for him and I don't root against him when NU isn't playing Indiana. I pay attention to how he does in games just out of curiosity, but that's about it...That said, no doubt it felt good to beat them last night and for Kopp to have an off night. I won't deny I enjoyed that.
The bitterness toward Kopp is limited primarily to those people who bend over backwards to defend Chris Collins. Personally, I think the classy thing to do is keep your mouth shut when you quit one team to join a rival. Kopp didn't do that. He disparaged the program, or offered his honest (frustrated) opinion. It put the basketball program in a bad light - no doubt about that.

So if you like Collins, you're very angry at Kopp.
Ah. one thing has nothing to do with the other.
Can’t believe people are this butthurt over Miller Kopp.
It’s a sports message board.

I don‘t think anyone is butthurt or wants to see the kid shred his knee

But when he’s playing against NU and given the choice of cheering, being apathetic, or booing, it’s pretty easy to boo him given the way he exited.

Glad he’s gone. His dour attitude seemed to rub off on the team last year. Addition by subtraction if you will

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