Now if the game can be half as good as FloridaAlum's event....

i'm sorry that more people didn't get to meet and listen to Dave Eanet. I never told anyone except Glades and LouV that I had a possible surprise special guest because I didn't think he would be able to show up due to a dinner with the big shots and an early kick off for which he has to prepare. But he showed up anyway had a beer and head to swap a whole bunch of Northwestern football stories with those of us who were left at the dinner table . He will almost do anything to meet a bunch of northwestern fans. He talks to everyone like he is your oldest friend in the world. You could not ask to meet a nicer guy.
i'm sorry that more people didn't get to meet and listen to Dave Eanet. I never told anyone except Glades and LouV that I had a possible surprise special guest because I didn't think he would be able to show up due to a dinner with the big shots and an early kick off for which he has to prepare. But he showed up anyway had a beer and head to swap a whole bunch of Northwestern football stories with those of us who were left at the dinner table . He will almost do anything to meet a bunch of northwestern fans. He talks to everyone like he is your oldest friend in the world. You could not ask to meet a nicer guy.

That's amazing--must have been truly special for those who attended!