NU-Duke first-half thread

Thorson with poor decision and pick. Gotta remind myself to be patient. Grrrr.
threw it into HEAVY HEAVY least FOUR Duke defenders right around the spot where he threw the wonder it was picked up...did that sort of thing multiple times against Stanford and got away with it...not today.
This defense is really good but offense is just so predictable and lacks creativity.
Run JJ up the middle on 1st and 2nd down with limited success then force 3rd and long and attempt a short pass. I think that's the formula and I am watching in a bar in Texas! You think Duke had that figured out too? Defense has to win this one and no more turnovers.
Yes, but for inexperienced, that was a really, really poor decision.
To be honest I am not sure how much experience you need to know that you should NOT throw a pass into a spot where your receiver is surrounded by 3 or 4 defenders....just a matter of counting....just throw the FB away or keep it until wasn't even 3rd down.
That duke punter has a beautiful leg and could really be hurting us if he could keep them out of the end zone.
Just rotating guys in. Watkins and Quiero are playing at the same level as the starters.

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