Player Assessment....from todays Penn St. game


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2006
Pretty good team effort today. Here are some thoughts
-Vic Law has been our best player most of the season. Good shooting, smart shot selection, solid Defense.
-Lindsey- still not in synch. Got 13 points but shot a lot...Other teams seem to respect him, but hot and cold. Seems to draw some defenders, but we need him on fire
-Pardon- Tremendous under the basket, good points, rebounds. Love to have that guy back next year
-Skelly- Did a nice job scored 4 points, played some good defense and has a presence on the floor
-Gaines- Showing that he belongs on the floor. 6 points great defense and 26 minutes of solid BBall
-Bmac- 10 points, but not his best game. Some ugly missed shots, started distributing better in the 2nd half. We kind of live and die with this kid. We will miss him next year
-Ash- 5 points, good defense, not too many minutes, but the kid is showing he can play. good to see.
-Benson-not seen much,
-Falzon-still waiting for his to show us what he can do.
-Tino- Looked good on the bench, prepared to play
-Hall-In street clothes. He was prepared to not play.
Pretty good team effort today. Here are some thoughts
-Vic Law has been our best player most of the season. Good shooting, smart shot selection, solid Defense.
-Lindsey- still not in synch. Got 13 points but shot a lot...Other teams seem to respect him, but hot and cold. Seems to draw some defenders, but we need him on fire
-Pardon- Tremendous under the basket, good points, rebounds. Love to have that guy back next year
-Skelly- Did a nice job scored 4 points, played some good defense and has a presence on the floor
-Gaines- Showing that he belongs on the floor. 6 points great defense and 26 minutes of solid BBall
-Bmac- 10 points, but not his best game. Some ugly missed shots, started distributing better in the 2nd half. We kind of live and die with this kid. We will miss him next year
-Ash- 5 points, good defense, not too many minutes, but the kid is showing he can play. good to see.
-Benson-not seen much,
-Falzon-still waiting for his to show us what he can do.
-Tino- Looked good on the bench, prepared to play
-Hall-In street clothes. He was prepared to not play.

Falzon has multiple injuries.
-Lindsey- still not in synch. Got 13 points but shot a lot...Other teams seem to respect him, but hot and cold. Seems to draw some defenders, but we need him on fire
I thought Scottie played a very good game today. Kept his head in the game and played his ass off. Had two instances when he went to the boards and tipped in his own miss. Played hard on defense. Really proud of how he played today.

I agree. NU was behind most of the game and Falzon's presence on the floor opens up the offense. And, NU wasn't exactly shooting lights out from three. If Falzon could give NU one good minute Collins would have used him.
I agree. NU was behind most of the game and Falzon's presence on the floor opens up the offense. And, NU wasn't exactly shooting lights out from three. If Falzon could give NU one good minute Collins would have used him.
To be fair, he did use him for 3 minutes in the first half. Aaron didn't do very much when he was in the game.
I'm not sure whether I'm missing the sarcasm also.

For reference, here's the full story. You can see Shannon Ryan's note and the reference to Falzon's previous injury in the last paragraph.

The question obviously was asked with some context.
I know I have my Falzon issues, but Trib reported "Collins said Falzon was healthy enough to play but sat due to matchups."
"Healthy enough to play" does not necessarily contradict "has multiple injuries."
I know I have my Falzon issues, but Trib reported "Collins said Falzon was healthy enough to play but sat due to matchups."
With his injuries likely slowing him down a bit, matchups might be more difficult to find one where he can succeed
I agree. NU was behind most of the game and Falzon's presence on the floor opens up the offense. And, NU wasn't exactly shooting lights out from three. If Falzon could give NU one good minute Collins would have used him.
His injuries would likely cause more problems on D
I thought Collins pulled Falzon after he lost his man resulting in an uncontested dunk.
I thought Collins pulled Falzon after he lost his man resulting in an uncontested dunk.
Exactly right. This has happened in many games. He’s lost his man and given layups, 3s. And Falzon didn’t give CCC much attention when he was talking to him after yanking him. That may be part of the reason he never went back in. I heard CCC yelling at Falzon, “...we have to use our (or your) Fuc_ing head (or heads)!!”
Exactly right. This has happened in many games. He’s lost his man and given layups, 3s. And Falzon didn’t give CCC much attention when he was talking to him after yanking him. That may be part of the reason he never went back in. I heard CCC yelling at Falzon, “...we have to use our (or your) Fuc_ing head (or heads)!!”
Still ticked at the GT game where the guard blew right by Falzon and we lost! Gaines would of stuffed em!
Our two supposed, big offensive threats, (Brown and Falzon) haven’t played much lately, as they can’t be consistent on defense! That why Gaines and Ash are out there!
Exactly right. This has happened in many games. He’s lost his man and given layups, 3s. And Falzon didn’t give CCC much attention when he was talking to him after yanking him. That may be part of the reason he never went back in. I heard CCC yelling at Falzon, “...we have to use our (or your) Fuc_ing head (or heads)!!”
Uh, Skelly has done this countless times this year,and unlike Falzon, is 100 percent healthy. And Falzon DID contest; the problem is with a bad back and knee, but he could not get nearly as high as Watkins. Skelly has generally watch his man dunk this year, in these spots without even contesting. Seriously don't get these jabs Falzon; he is playing through quite obvious pain because he knows we have no depth.
Uh, Skelly has done this countless times this year,and unlike Falzon, is 100 percent healthy. And Falzon DID contest; the problem is with a bad back and knee, but he could not get nearly as high as Watkins. Skelly has generally watch his man dunk this year, in these spots without even contesting. Seriously don't get these jabs Falzon; he is playing through quite obvious pain because he knows we have no depth.
Man that is not what I saw. I like Falzon alot and am looking forward to him at 100% health. Also think you’re wrong about Gavin (not saying he’s perfect) but...we must be watching different games.
Man that is not what I saw. I like Falzon alot and am looking forward to him at 100% health. Also think you’re wrong about Gavin (not saying he’s perfect) but...we must be watching different games.
Here is an exercise for you. Pick any game. with the possible exception of the last one, and, instead of watching the ball on defense, watch Gavin the entire time. I suspect it will be quite a revelation to you...
Why the hell are you so worked up over Gavin and Falzon? Get some thicker skin, and enough already with the free lessons on how to watch hoops.
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Why the hell are you so worked up over Gavin and Falzon? Get some thicker skin, and enough already with the free lessons on how to watch hoops.

Wasn't worked up; was just encouraging you to explore the matter a bit further. Oh well, continue to believe Gavin is an excellent defender, whatever floats your boat I guess. There was a reason an injured Falzon was starting ahead of him until his latest additional injury, though, imo.