This is going to be interesting. I to was dead set on a two guard but really on thinking about it I think we could use a good big man to smooth the ride for Benson and Pardon. I mean a good big man and that would be a lot better than the last two, Joey and the guy from Yale. If all we can get at this time are players of that caliber, I would bring another freshman big man, if he can play sometime in the future, and red shirt him.
You can forget bringing an a 2016 Freshman at this stage. All the Big 10 caliber players are committed somewhere. And grad transfers? NU hit the jackpot with Swopshire, but odds are the best available will be someone like Joey, a limited player who is looking for playing time away from a program changing directions. NU can't offer a grad transfer the chance to play for a title (a la the guys Pitino brought in at Louisville) next season, those players will go elsewhere for their final year.