Stay careful out there in Alaska

Alaska- can you see Russia from your window?😊

Kidding aside, I think the recent Russia-China naval training exercise is another serious sign of their ongoing mutual military cooperation.
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Alaska- can you see Russian from your window?😊

Kidding aside, I think the recent Russia-China naval training exercise is another serious sign of their ongoing mutual military cooperation.
You guys are missing the big story. Collapse of a piece of glacier has caused flooding and houses falling into the river. Nice houses. Houses you would expect a guy like Alaska to live in.
You guys are missing the big story. Collapse of a piece of glacier has caused flooding and houses falling into the river. Nice houses. Houses you would expect a guy like Alaska to live in.
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Hope @Alaskawildkat and his family are OK up there.

He’s probably out taking pictures of the Russian boats

Or washed away by the unexpected flood

Sarah Palin warned you, but you wouldn't listen.

Alaska- can you see Russia from your window?😊

Kidding aside, I think the recent Russia-China naval training exercise is another serious sign of their ongoing mutual military cooperation.

You guys are missing the big story. Collapse of a piece of glacier has caused flooding and houses falling into the river. Nice houses. Houses you would expect a guy like Alaska to live in.

This thread will be deleted before Alaska gets to read it. Expect photos in any case.

Word has it he boarded one of the Russian boats, thinking it was another episode of Hawaii 5-0.

Still, where is @Alaskawildkat - he usually jumps in by now. Anyone actually know him?

Having a drink with Adam on first (AOF) perhaps?

Wow, thanks for all the concern!

You guys were partially correct. I was on a boat dodging Typhoons these past two weeks.

Definitely photos will have to follow.
OK, here are the promised photos. The two typhoons that our ship was dodging were Typhoon Khanun which headed from Okinawa to South Korea causing a port call at Busan South Korea to be cancelled and then that was followed with Typhoon 7 which headed toward South Central Japan forcing our ship to skip an additional stop in that area and head back to Yokohama from Kochi Japan. Pictured is my Northwestern Umbrella protecting me from some of the peripheral rains as they reached Yokohama at the beginning of this week.

(In the distance you can see a portion of our ship, the Diamond Princess which was moored under quarantine at this same location in February of 2020. In conjunction with the Sakura season we were earlier this year on its first returned to Japan public voyage since that time. This month's sailing was to take advantage of the ship's scheduled Summer Festivals Tour. Despite the typhoons we were still able to be present for the festivals in Akita, Aoyama, and Kochi Japan.)


And for good measure here are some of the photos I captured at the festivals in Japan. First are of the Kanto (Pole lantern) Festival in Akita, Japan:


Note, in keeping this Northwestern related, below pictured is one of lantern holding bamboo poles adorned with purple:


Before the candles In each lantern are lit for the evening parade, competitions are held to measure the mastering of skills in the balancing of the over 100 pound lantern floats on the back, shoulder and even head.


The night procession with candles lit:



That should have been "festivals in Akita, Aomori, and Kochi" Japan.

Here are some photos form the Nebuta Festival in Aomori:





And on the this, the final day of the festival, the winning entries are lit up and placed on boats to be paraded in the harbor under a canopy of fireworks:


Alaska- nice pics. We are supposed to get slammed here by the coattails of a Hurricane Hilary with potential flooding and high winds throughout the county. Probably flash floods in the desert if we get as much rain locally as projected. Should be an interesting weekend.
Hadn't been checking in as of late. Halfway expected to see photos of you on board the Red October, helping the captain navigate treacherous Alaskan waters to escape the joint Russian-Chinese fleet in hot pursuit.
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