The Illini had a grand total of EIGHT assists tonight

and nineteen turnovers. That, my friends, is really, really bad....

I know you have a deep hatred for the Illini, but they are not nearly as bad as you say they are throughout numerous threads. They are a young team that won’t make the tourney this year, but they have talent and they play really hard. They will win Big Ten games this year, probably several of them. Yeah, they likely will get whooped by a team like MSU, but so will most of the Big Ten, including us.

I didn’t come away impressed with either team’s on court play last night, but I did appreciate how competitive and hard fought it was from both sides. That is an Illini team that plays their butts off for their coach, even though he seems like quite the sleezeball.

I truly don’t think Illinois is all that different than NU. We just have more veterans and experience. That’s my honest and non-homer objective view. It’s painful to have to write a positive Illinois post, but I think you’ve gone a little off the rails with your Illinois assessment due to your hatred. Just my opinion- maybe I’m wrong.
The Fighting Undies have some fight to them and their swarming defense is going to give teams problems. I loved how we finally figured out how to pull it out at the end despite the 4 straight turnovers. The ticky tack foul calls by the grotesquely incompetent officials had us in foul trouble, but we overcome it. Hopefully this game will give us the boost we need to play well in the B1G.
If you guys think beating an inexperienced Illini team with 6 new players with 3 being freshmen in overtime, at a poorly attended for NW home game then you don't understand the shape you are in going forward in the B1G. Illinois most likely pounds you later in the year as they will definitely get better. This is another game NW pulls out at the end, like last year, and that string is not sustainable. The only thing to hang your hat on is that the B1G in general sucks. Based on last year the Cats have taken a big slide... beating an underdog Illini team at this point in the season in OT, with an experienced team, is not a great win and points to bigger problems.
If you guys think beating an inexperienced Illini team with 6 new players with 3 being freshmen in overtime, at a poorly attended for NW home game then you don't understand the shape you are in going forward in the B1G. Illinois most likely pounds you later in the year as they will definitely get better. This is another game NW pulls out at the end, like last year, and that string is not sustainable. The only thing to hang your hat on is that the B1G in general sucks. Based on last year the Cats have taken a big slide... beating an underdog Illini team at this point in the season in OT, with an experienced team, is not a great win and points to bigger problems.

Be a man and own up to it. Excuses don't cut it.
If you guys think beating an inexperienced Illini team with 6 new players with 3 being freshmen in overtime, at a poorly attended for NW home game then you don't understand the shape you are in going forward in the B1G. Illinois most likely pounds you later in the year as they will definitely get better. This is another game NW pulls out at the end, like last year, and that string is not sustainable. The only thing to hang your hat on is that the B1G in general sucks. Based on last year the Cats have taken a big slide... beating an underdog Illini team at this point in the season in OT, with an experienced team, is not a great win and points to bigger problems.
How great was that LOSS? Illinois played NU last night not NW, so maybe they didn't understand who they were playing. Underwood looks and acts like a real sleaze. Bet he gets the illini. on probation before he gets them into the "Dance".
If you guys think beating an inexperienced Illini team with 6 new players with 3 being freshmen in overtime, at a poorly attended for NW home game then you don't understand the shape you are in going forward in the B1G. Illinois most likely pounds you later in the year as they will definitely get better. This is another game NW pulls out at the end, like last year, and that string is not sustainable. The only thing to hang your hat on is that the B1G in general sucks. Based on last year the Cats have taken a big slide... beating an underdog Illini team at this point in the season in OT, with an experienced team, is not a great win and points to bigger problems.

Always love the “beating us doesn’t mean that much” guy.
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If you guys think beating an inexperienced Illini team with 6 new players with 3 being freshmen in overtime, at a poorly attended for NW home game then you don't understand the shape you are in going forward in the B1G. Illinois most likely pounds you later in the year as they will definitely get better. This is another game NW pulls out at the end, like last year, and that string is not sustainable. The only thing to hang your hat on is that the B1G in general sucks. Based on last year the Cats have taken a big slide... beating an underdog Illini team at this point in the season in OT, with an experienced team, is not a great win and points to bigger problems.

Hey are you the football guy with the same moniker on 247? Always enjoy your posts there. Lovie is bringing way underrated recruits, the team talent is off the charts, we are going to land (insert 5 star name here). You have gem after gem.

Bottom line is NU might not be Bama in football or Kentucky in BBall but we just completed the season sweep over the Fighting Lovie’s/Undies in the last 6 days and that makes it Christmas week for me.
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If you guys think beating an inexperienced Illini team with 6 new players with 3 being freshmen in overtime, at a poorly attended for NW home game then you don't understand the shape you are in going forward in the B1G. Illinois most likely pounds you later in the year as they will definitely get better. This is another game NW pulls out at the end, like last year, and that string is not sustainable. The only thing to hang your hat on is that the B1G in general sucks. Based on last year the Cats have taken a big slide... beating an underdog Illini team at this point in the season in OT, with an experienced team, is not a great win and points to bigger problems.
Missed you on the football board this week - thoughts?
Unimpressive, but earned. This is true.

But, truly, a "tenth place in the league" kind of performance.
If we've learned anything from NU football, it's that you take the win and hope the team improves for the next game. A win is a win, and it's much better than a loss. Who knows, maybe they'll shoot lights out tomorrow and pull off the upset over Purdue. It is possible.
My impression of Illini was that they had some really athletic players. Their guards were shifty and very quick. They were faster than us, but not as integrated/in synch. They are probably a tourney team this year. They had too many isolation plays where they simply tried to drive on us to shoot or toss it out to a three-point shooter. Overall, the Cats were just willed to win at the end. I'm glad we don't play them again. Tough team.
Illinois always has decent talent. Looks like Illinois just improved their coaching. I thought the Illini had a very different team attitude than in recent years. It was NU and they get up for NU, but didn't see a lot of the b.s. that has been customary like taking plays off on defense, overreacting to officiating, etc. It's only been a handful of games but looks to me like a clear upgrade.
If we've learned anything from NU football, it's that you take the win and hope the team improves for the next game. A win is a win, and it's much better than a loss. Who knows, maybe they'll shoot lights out tomorrow and pull off the upset over Purdue. It is possible.
This is true. No such thing as a bad W. But certainly no cause for a "how bad are those schlubs that just took NU to overtime" thread. OP was severely lacking in context.
If you guys think beating an inexperienced Illini team with 6 new players with 3 being freshmen in overtime, at a poorly attended for NW home game then you don't understand the shape you are in going forward in the B1G. Illinois most likely pounds you later in the year as they will definitely get better. This is another game NW pulls out at the end, like last year, and that string is not sustainable. The only thing to hang your hat on is that the B1G in general sucks. Based on last year the Cats have taken a big slide... beating an underdog Illini team at this point in the season in OT, with an experienced team, is not a great win and points to bigger problems.

Not Northwestern's fault that for the past several years you've been one of the most underachieving public flagship universities located in a major basketball state. Maybe Underwood will finally be able to recruit somebody. Until then, cry in your beer to someone who cares.
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Illinois always has decent talent. Looks like Illinois just improved their coaching. I thought the Illini had a very different team attitude than in recent years. It was NU and they get up for NU, but didn't see a lot of the b.s. that has been customary like taking plays off on defense, overreacting to officiating, etc. It's only been a handful of games but looks to me like a clear upgrade.

We had a good team last year and lost twice to a below-average Illinois team. I'll take the W, thank you.
If you guys think beating an inexperienced Illini team with 6 new players with 3 being freshmen in overtime, at a poorly attended for NW home game then you don't understand the shape you are in going forward in the B1G. Illinois most likely pounds you later in the year as they will definitely get better. This is another game NW pulls out at the end, like last year, and that string is not sustainable. The only thing to hang your hat on is that the B1G in general sucks. Based on last year the Cats have taken a big slide... beating an underdog Illini team at this point in the season in OT, with an experienced team, is not a great win and points to bigger problems.

Dude, we lost so many guys to fouling out that we were playing 4 guards and a center by the end, since we were completely our of forwards. When our last forward, and arguably our best player, fouled out, I was like "OK put a fork in us, we're done..." But you STILL couldn't beat us-, even though I believe your were ahead at the time!

You can't shoot 3s turnover the ball and foul like crazy, I have't seen too many games that a team had 8 assists and 19 turnovers, so congrats on that. My prediction is that you will be lucky to win 6 in the BIG, and I can see you doing far worse. Time will tell if I am correct,
Yup, we have a new frontrunner for worst post of the year.

Can you imagine telling the players after they grinded out a tough, overtime win, with two players fouled out, over a rival, that their win was "unearned"? Total douche-baggery.
Not Northwestern's fault that for the past several years you've been one of the most underachieving public flagship universities located in a major basketball state. Maybe Underwood will finally be able to recruit somebody. Until then, cry in your beer to someone who cares.
Maybe but will he keep them off NCAA sanctions. Or maybe he will just leave after one year in Urbana. Just ask Okla. St. about that.
Can you imagine telling the players after they grinded out a tough, overtime win, with two players fouled out, over a rival, that their win was "unearned"? Total douche-baggery.

Agreed, though it is even a worse comment, given that THREE players fouled out (Skelly, Falzon, and Law), all forwards, so we had to go to a four guard lineup at the end. Illinois should have increased their lead that that point, but somehow we found a way to win. CC commented after the game that the lineup at that point-- Ash, Brown, Lindsey, McIntosh and Pardon, had obviously not had a lot of practice reps....
Not Northwestern's fault that for the past several years you've been one of the most underachieving public flagship universities located in a major basketball state. Maybe Underwood will finally be able to recruit somebody. Until then, cry in your beer to someone who cares.

Underachieving is being kind. If you take football and basketball into account, it is more like this:http://
The Fighting Undies have some fight to them and their swarming defense is going to give teams problems. I loved how we finally figured out how to pull it out at the end despite the 4 straight turnovers. The ticky tack foul calls by the grotesquely incompetent officials had us in foul trouble, but we overcome it. Hopefully this game will give us the boost we need to play well in the B1G.
Those officials were bad both ways. Missed a couple traveling calls on us down the stretch
If you guys think beating an inexperienced Illini team with 6 new players with 3 being freshmen in overtime, at a poorly attended for NW home game then you don't understand the shape you are in going forward in the B1G. Illinois most likely pounds you later in the year as they will definitely get better. This is another game NW pulls out at the end, like last year, and that string is not sustainable. The only thing to hang your hat on is that the B1G in general sucks. Based on last year the Cats have taken a big slide... beating an underdog Illini team at this point in the season in OT, with an experienced team, is not a great win and points to bigger problems.
NU has been missing something so far this year but this game showed signs of finding it. NU will likely improve quite a bit as season goes on. You have to remember that this is about a month earlier than the normal 1st BIG game. I was impressed with the IL D and you will likely improve as the year goes on as well but you are also likely to hit a wall with all the young players and energy expended in your D. In the mean time we will take the W and you can enjoy the L
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NU managed TOs on its final four possessions in regulation. That might be worse.

That was a matchup of two bad teams.

Enjoy your unearned win. This is not a time to gloat.
Not a pretty win but definitely earned. But it also showed signs of finding what has been missing so far this year.
Unimpressive, but earned. This is true.

But, truly, a "tenth place in the league" kind of performance.
And this is a month before the normal start of the BIG season. We have been missing something so far this season but this game showed signs of finding it. Those 4 turnovers were disturbing but you know what was good? D stopped the Illini time after time down the stretch. We are not yet a finished product.

And 10th place is probably a .500 BIG season. Not nearly the insult it once was.
If you guys think beating an inexperienced Illini team with 6 new players with 3 being freshmen in overtime, at a poorly attended for NW home game then you don't understand the shape you are in going forward in the B1G. Illinois most likely pounds you later in the year as they will definitely get better. This is another game NW pulls out at the end, like last year, and that string is not sustainable. The only thing to hang your hat on is that the B1G in general sucks. Based on last year the Cats have taken a big slide... beating an underdog Illini team at this point in the season in OT, with an experienced team, is not a great win and points to bigger problems.
