Where we stand post-Washington debacle

Does Lujan think Lausch is our QB of. the future or is he a place holder for the QBs he's recruited for '25 and '26? I guess we'll see over next 8 games. Lujan must think the others in our QB room have less ability now and a lower ceiling than Lausch. A down year assuredly.
Even if he is such a place holder it would be for another year or to. Would seem unlikely that they would try to start a guy right out of HS. And by that time Lausch could potentially have 2 years of starting under his belt and would only have one more year of eligibility
Cignetti coached three different QB’s to All-Conference honors his last three years at JMU. Now he has Roarke playing at a high level. He will have to decide if Tayven Jackson is ready to take over that team in 2025 or if he needs to go grab another QB in the portal. His offense is pretty dynamic and would attract a lot of guys. Dude can coach.
That is what I was hoping for, a dynamic OC being hired, when Fitz was canned. A dynamic system that would attract top recruits, knowing they can thrive in a high powered offense. All I know is that our starting qbs so far aren't cutting so far. I hope Lausch gets better as time goes on. I am sure he will to some extent, but we can't go back to 2019 and expect good recruiting classes. Hopefully we can get 100% healthy with the bye. A win vs Indiana and/or Maryland will go a long way to build Lausch's confidence if he has all his weapons and line around him. Not bowling this season is going to set the program back a bit. I guess a lot of patience is in order, as always.
Agreed on the transfer comment but the Indiana powerhouse comment is comical. They’ve played no one of substance. Yeah, they’ve been the hell out of the teams they’ve played, and that’s a credit to them, but their QB is a 6th year guy. It’s not like he’s going to be there for 2 more years…
I think he was just talking about the challenge the represent this year. They have shown that they can score pretty prolifically and it looks like a difficult task to deal with them this year. DOes not matter if he is going to be here for two more years. Heck we don't even know if we will be playing them. But we are in a couple weeks and we seem less able to deal with it