Who Hates Collins?

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"can the BC peeps move fwd and support CC and enjoy this season? My gosh its been 3 years, put the CC hate away!"

Let's look at the progression of this thread.

NJ links an article called "proving the haters wrong". There are a couple of response saying where's all the hate at? Then we have some thoughts about CC's Duke heritage coming into play. Everything seems to be going well and then Hdhntr types the two letter abbreviation you can't type around here, "BC".

Then all the NONSENSE comes out. BC is the worst , yadda, yadda, yadda. Then we get a few measured responses about how Carmody actually was pretty good, by NU standards, but the direction of the program is better under CC. The we get the "tallest midget" silliness and now your quote (I'm stopping half way through the second page because I've had enough). YOUR POST IS NONSENSE BECAUSE THIS BOARD SUPPORTS CC. THE FEW BITTER APPLES HAVE MOVED ON.

Here's my suggestion for those who need their monthly Carmody schadenfreude. Why not start a forum where you guys can have at it? I'm being serious. Your war is won HERE. The attitude toward Collins is positive. Many of us liked Carmody and appreciated his time at NU, but are happy to keep it to ourselves because WE ARE TIRED OF THIS NONSENSE AND WANT TO ENJOY THIS BOARD AGAIN.
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But that's Carmody's fault if he can't take decent talent and teach them his system. To his credit, he did a pretty good job... in that respect. They went from 10th to 6th in one year and that's their record after losing Johnson and McCants.

Don't act like O'Neill recruits could not play the P.O. Plenty of other NCAA programs have athletic guys running the P.O. or elements of it and NBA teams, too. One of O'Neill recruits was a pretty decent fit at center, Jennings.

None of this commentary is intended to bash Bill at all. I'm just saying he had the same rotten facilities, same horrible tradition as O'Neill but a little bit better talent at the start.
Haha agreed -- I think I've even noted as much. I just think we are arguing over degrees of F, while you think it's the difference between a D- and an F ...... I think we'll just have to agree to about 90 percent agree here and move on.
You know who didn't start out with an F or a D in the last 50 years? Brad Snyder when Glass resigned. Glass was 4th in the Big Ten with a bunch of great players like Kelley and Adams. Snyder finished off a 5th place finisher, then we were quickly 9th or 10th in the conference. I would say Snyder left us with a D, though I don't know if he recruited McKinney or if Winter did. Anybody know?
Tex recruited McKinney from Zion-Benton. A lot of teams including Illini thought was too small. Before the first game of Billy's first season, Tex was moaning about his coaching record going down the drain with the lack of talent he had on the team. Then, at Ohio University in the opener, he inserted McKinney into the game about 5:00 in and Billy proceeded to hit his first five shots in what would be a narrow Wildcat win and the Cats rode him back to a little respectability (even beat Kentucky for the only time ever). As to Carmody, I thought he had run his course here but he certainly deserves credit for making this a more attractive job for a guy like CC. I remember Jim Calhoun publicly rejecting the job in the '90s (before he went to UConn) with the immortal quote: "I don't do miracles."
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Then all the NONSENSE comes out. BC is the worst , yadda, yadda, yadda.

Whoa, Columbus! Are you only meaning Turk? Who (beyond Turk) implied anything even close to "BC is the worst"? The tone of the conversations were actually pretty amiable. Lower the shields a little, friend...
Whoa, Columbus! Are you only meaning Turk? Who (beyond Turk) implied anything even close to "BC is the worst"? The tone of the conversations were actually pretty amiable. Lower the shields a little, friend...

Turk is a main culprit. Him calling out "BC supporters"...because you can't like both coaches or even have mixed stir things up drives me nuts. It's divisive and shouldn't be apart of the dialogue around here. He's not the only one. There was a post on the friggin' football board dogging BC (for no reason) just two days ago. Why can't the subject be left alone? Hopefully, someday in the future we can have a civil conversation about the two regimes (I know I didn't help in that department with my most recent post), but based on the comments on the first page and a half of this thread, it's clear such a discussion isn't possible at the current time.

I've really enjoyed this board over the years (it used to be much more rational that the FB forum), but had to leave for a while because of said nonsense. I was enjoying my return, but when I see posts like these...
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I resent the attempt at the homophobic joke Turk just made and am motioning for his banishment from the Wildcatreport message boards.
But that's Carmody's fault if he can't take decent talent and teach them his system. To his credit, he did a pretty good job... in that respect. They went from 10th to 6th in one year and that's their record after losing Johnson and McCants.

Don't act like O'Neill recruits could not play the P.O. Plenty of other NCAA programs have athletic guys running the P.O. or elements of it and NBA teams, too. One of O'Neill recruits was a pretty decent fit at center, Jennings.

None of this commentary is intended to bash Bill at all. I'm just saying he had the same rotten facilities, same horrible tradition as O'Neill but a little bit better talent at the start.
Not so much that as a lot of superior talent guys didn't want to play in his system
Tex recruited McKinney from Zion-Benton. A lot of teams including Illini thought was too small. Before the first game of Billy's first season, Tex was moaning about his coaching record going down the drain with the lack of talent he had on the team. Then, at Ohio University in the opener, he inserted McKinney into the game about 5:00 in and Billy proceeded to hit his first five shots in what would be a narrow Wildcat win and the Cats rode him back to a little respectability (even beat Kentucky for the only time ever). As to Carmody, I thought he had run his course here but he certainly deserves credit for making this a more attractive job for a guy like CC. I remember Jim Calhoun publicly rejecting the job in the '90s (before he went to UConn) with the immortal quote: "I don't do miracles."

I think that proves Snyder left the cupboard -- favorite new word today--barren since Tex was the one who plucked McKinney.

I don't know Snyder, but he took over a good program whose coach quit because he couldn't get the Cats above 4th place. Then Snyder promptly crashed it into dead last over a few years. Is Snyder the Pont of NU basketball?
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For gosh sakes...just put him on ignore and let things be!

I can't. It's a batman/joker situation.

Turk (the joker) is intent on raising hell just for raising hell's sake (posting constant garbage on the message boards).

I can't kill him (put him on ignore) because if he's dead I wouldn't know what to do with myself. I'd serve no purpose to the city of Gotham (other wildcat report posters). It's my sole duty in life to call out Turk any time he blows up a hospital or burns the mob's money (says something stupid on the message boards). We complete each other
I can't. It's a batman/joker situation.

Turk (the joker) is intent on raising hell just for raising hell's sake (posting constant garbage on the message boards).

I can't kill him (put him on ignore) because if he's dead I wouldn't know what to do with myself. I'd serve no purpose to the city of Gotham (other wildcat report posters). It's my sole duty in life to call out Turk any time he blows up a hospital or burns the mob's money (says something stupid on the message boards). We complete each other
lol. Listen, you firebomb almost every post I make like a young child. Then you can't take it when someone calls you out on it. In America, I thought they say, "Turnabout is fair play?" Relax, lose your anger and Go Cats!

I laughed out loud when your buddy Mikewebb changed a quote and said I smelled bad and nobody liked me. Look, I'm not trying to impress anyone on this board. This is a board with a bunch of slobs like me on it. Half of us are probably naked scratching our balls as we type. I'd recommend that you not have your feelings hurt or trying to impress folks just because you wrote some column and two NU players gave you credit.

If you want to report folks, then fine, I'll start reporting you on your ridiculous post where you take personal shots at me.

Go Cats!
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