Poll: which is the least loyal fanbase in the Big Ten?


I agree that a bad product on the field keeps people away. But even though we had a good season in ‘23, especially given what transpired that summer, at least from my vantage point in the north end zone, we didn’t fill the stadium for any of the first three games. And that was at a point in the season when there was still hope.
Yep. The lakeside stadium looked incredible on TV but talk about a bizarre solution to host a major minor league football brand from the Big Ten

The Rant Board

It's a bullshit "observation" when defenders on Ace aren't even touching him and he initiates contact to draw the foul while at the same time, PSU - including ACE - are defensively putting two hands on Cats players all night long with no calls.

Bardo was just trying to find some justification for the terrible officiating he clearly wasn't willing to mention. I suspect the announcers are contractually obligated to not discuss the refs in any negative way regardless what is happening.

He could more honestly have said 'the Cats should know by now that the refs will call a foul on them if they get within three feet of Ace and they should just let him score at will to avoid more free throws.'
In all seriousness, only a few time did NU start running g the ball into the lane to draw contact. And got some calls. I was really hoping they would do it more. If the zebras want to call touches, we have the horses now that like to play to contact.

The Rant Board

It's a bullshit "observation" when defenders on Ace aren't even touching him and he initiates contact to draw the foul while at the same time, PSU - including ACE - are defensively putting two hands on Cats players all night long with no calls.

Bardo was just trying to find some justification for the terrible officiating he clearly wasn't willing to mention. I suspect the announcers are contractually obligated to not discuss the refs in any negative way regardless what is happening.

He could more honestly have said 'the Cats should know by now that the refs will call a foul on them if they get within three feet of Ace and they should just let him score at will to avoid more free throws.'
I loved the foul on Berry as he was running away from the play. Had no volume so guessing it was a foul for giving up on defending? That would be a fun new foul to add…

The Rant Board

Finally... the Rant Board is back! Good... we have a lot to catch up on.

Can you believe what Mitt Romney said in that second debate?!?! What a boob.

And can you believe some of these decisions from Kathleen Sebelius? Don't get me started.

Ok.... I need to pace myself here! Getting way too excited. I better go lie down.
I am with you - and those drones on the east coast! Where are we at with them!

Poll: which is the least loyal fanbase in the Big Ten?

Our fan base sucks. We are so outnumbered here it’s embarrassing. We couldn’t fill the temporary stadium. The new one will still find us in the minority.
I would counter the opposite though respect your opinion. I would like to believe that our fan base says to admin that if they will not field a competitive team, we will not fill their coffers. And no phony ‘do it for the kids’ crap will work.

I would bet anyone here if we develop another wining program, we will fill the stadium and travel well. Meantime, they get what they give. No Fs given.

Thinking of NIL, the changing landscape of college football ... and Kain Colter

I think that's fair.
Unfortunately, I think there was a lot of CYOA in that situation. To think these guys are anything but employees of the school in a multi-billion dollar enterprise is probably living in the 1950s. Waiting until it was too late to come up with a workable framework that kept most of what we enjoy intact with a sensible solution is no longer in the cards, I'm afraid.
Add he was an early 20 something damaged kid leading this unpopular but correct campaign. Tell us gcg - have you always been perfect or was that a recent onset?

Thinking of NIL, the changing landscape of college football ... and Kain Colter

Fitz. Gragg. Schill. The NU BoT. Rick Taylor too.

They are All are frauds, cowards, and thieves in my book.

The NULC keeps mailing me asking me for donations. 😂 never again, Evanston! 🖕
Taylor was a dick. A fraud to the extent he wasn’t trying to be an athletic director, more like a Nazi athletic dictator. May he burn in hell.
  • Wow
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Thinking of NIL, the changing landscape of college football ... and Kain Colter

I guess anybody can diagnose anything if they don't have to prove it.
Ask any personal injury lawyer - offense or defense. @nochores and the rest of the board lawyers have all stayed quiet every time I have poked them to discuss the non verifiable but often compensated Dx from accident claims….

So — for the rest of the non lawyers, you all good calling bullshit on various back and neck pain that cannot be found on diagnostics? Hell, most arthritis cannot be diagnostically confirmed. Maybe you old folks are whiners? (I have early arthritis and a replacement shoulder and both ankles due to my athletics so I say this to make a point…)

But just wondering where all you quick to condemn folks sit on other non confirmable diagnosis - as CTE is far from the first, only or most common. I’ll sit back and enjoy the silence while the rest of you grab a Vicodin for you or your loved one’s bullshit, unverifiable pain.
