I don’t know what kind of a B1G football player we‘re getting in Fitz’s son. But I know we are getting a smart, eloquent young man.
Jack gave the Valedictorian Address at my alma mater - Loyola Academy in Wilmette, Il - this year. Super speech. Here’s an excerpt:
”We are all being sent out into the world, but we can always return to our community at Lake and Laramie. Because at the end of the day, Loyola is not a place; it is a people. It is the students, faculty, staff, and alumni that make Loyola what it is. You may be a Hoosier, Eagle, or a Hawkeye tomorrow, but you will always be a Rambler. So, I say to you, class of 2023: Give the world all that you got. Now is the time to be women and men for others, lift others up with you, and give the world all that you have. For some, that journey may take you across the world. For me, I might just have to go up a couple rows in the stands. You may be wearing red or blue or purple these next four years, but go and color the world maroon and gold.”
My money says this kid is going to successful at whatever he wants to do.