Jordan Thomas


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Nov 24, 2014
One time NU commit that choose Oklahoma late in the process was arrested this morning for assault and battery,public intoxication, and interference. Last year he was named 2nd team defense for the Big 12, but was arrested for failure to appear in court and been suspended twice for undisclosed team violations during his time at OK. I wonder how he would've done in the very least unlikely that Fitz would give him so many chances.
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Or maybe he is a product of the environment like at dOSU. Lay with dogs, get up with fleas.
The personal attack was really unnecessary (and pure irony really if you think about it), but perhaps the need for it is simply a reflection of the type of person that you are.

This said, strike the word jealous and replace with "disgust filled," and you're getting there, at least in terms of capturing my feelings for dOSU.
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I have always thought of NU football as more of a filtering mechanism than a policing mechanism. I think Fitz & Co do considerable due diligence on prospects' character before offering. I don't think this staff would tolerate any bad effs for too long.

That said, Thomas was this >< close to being a Cat. Would he have gotten into all the trouble that he did at OU? My best guess is that first transgression would have been met with very direct consequences. Whether or not it would have forestalled a second, more serious one is anyone's guess. It sounds like Thomas has some issues. We probably dodged a bullet here.
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And it appears Jordan won't miss any games. I am sure Oklahoma opening game against Houston that is a huge game for both teams had no impact on Coach Stoops decision.
And it appears Jordan won't miss any games. I am sure Oklahoma opening game against Houston that is a huge game for both teams had no impact on Coach Stoops decision.
How is that possible? Heck, he might be sitting behind bars.
And it appears Jordan won't miss any games. I am sure Oklahoma opening game against Houston that is a huge game for both teams had no impact on Coach Stoops decision.

I was REALLY disappointed when he flipped. Can't say I am now!

It sure sounds like there were multiple witnesses to a bar fight. Thomas has had 2 arrests and 2 suspensions at OK. He skipped out on a court date, and bolted from the cops in this incident. If he isn't suspended, Stoops clearly shows that winning is most important. Everyone makes mistakes, but Thomas keeps making them. Stoops enable the behavior if he doesn't take strong action.

I guess it is not surprising from a school that employed Barry Switzer and Kelvin Sampson. Worse yet they have that thug Joe Mixon on the roster. I guess you have to break a woman's neck and not her face to kicked off the Sooners.
I'm guessing - and that's about all any of us can do here - that none of Jordan's issues would have emerged had he continued his commitment. A lot of this seems tied to a certain lifestyle that simply doesn't exist in Evanston. According to an article I read some time ago, NU has a process diagnosing certain early warning anti-social behavior such as alcohol abuse, and a world class staff to assist the student-athlete to get back on his feet.
I'm guessing - and that's about all any of us can do here - that none of Jordan's issues would have emerged had he continued his commitment. A lot of this seems tied to a certain lifestyle that simply doesn't exist in Evanston. According to an article I read some time ago, NU has a process diagnosing certain early warning anti-social behavior such as alcohol abuse, and a world class staff to assist the student-athlete to get back on his feet.

I agree with you. Jordan wasn't deemed a problem in high school or NU wouldn't have recruited him hard enough for him to commit. I hope he gets his act together and gets his Petroleum Engineering degree.
I'm guessing - and that's about all any of us can do here - that none of Jordan's issues would have emerged had he continued his commitment. A lot of this seems tied to a certain lifestyle that simply doesn't exist in Evanston. According to an article I read some time ago, NU has a process diagnosing certain early warning anti-social behavior such as alcohol abuse, and a world class staff to assist the student-athlete to get back on his feet.

It is still a chicken and egg thing. Did the promise of less supervision contribute to his ultimate decision? or the prospect of stricter boundaries chaff a little?
I chose not to go to Wheaton college because I didn't want to sign a pledge about drinking and dancing. I didn't even drink at the time but I didn't like the idea that my life style was determined by an institution instead of my free will. Besides, I really like to dance.
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I'm guessing - and that's about all any of us can do here - that none of Jordan's issues would have emerged had he continued his commitment. A lot of this seems tied to a certain lifestyle that simply doesn't exist in Evanston. According to an article I read some time ago, NU has a process diagnosing certain early warning anti-social behavior such as alcohol abuse, and a world class staff to assist the student-athlete to get back on his feet.

Maybe, but I am not convinced that he would not have gotten himself kicked off the team at NU. He sounds like he has very poor judgment, and I am not sure that even being surrounded by peers of high character would have deterred him. Xavier Meinefeld comes to mind as the most immediate example.
It is still a chicken and egg thing. Did the promise of less supervision contribute to his ultimate decision? or the prospect of stricter boundaries chaff a little?
I chose not to go to Wheaton college because I didn't want to sign a pledge about drinking and dancing. I didn't even drink at the time but I didn't like the idea that my life style was determined by an institution instead of my free will. Besides, I really like to dance.

No school "promises" less supervision.
Maybe, but I am not convinced that he would not have gotten himself kicked off the team at NU. He sounds like he has very poor judgment, and I am not sure that even being surrounded by peers of high character would have deterred him. Xavier Meinefeld comes to mind as the most immediate example.

And he was immediately dismissed from the team.
Maybe, but I am not convinced that he would not have gotten himself kicked off the team at NU. He sounds like he has very poor judgment, and I am not sure that even being surrounded by peers of high character would have deterred him. Xavier Meinefeld comes to mind as the most immediate example.

Arguably, Jordan is plagued by school-environment related problems, namely an irresponsible and reckless social scene, including all the accompanying alcohol related problems. Remember, Oklahoma is the same school where a busload of party goers let loose racist chants, and did so in a manner betraying a commonplace nature. And although the headquarters of the fraternity involved is based in Evanston, nothing even remotely as disgusting has surfaced here, a suburban yet cosmopolitan setting where one finds a "race against hate" yard sign on nearly every block.

Evanston simply doesn't have an ugly and intolerant social scene demeaning to minorities, women, or others, and in the rare instance an NU player has engaged in anti-social behavior, such conduct has occurred in places far removed from campus, such as in the player's hometown during break (and NU staff has mobilized to prevent any reoccurrence in those instances).

One is hard-pressed to tie Manifield's alleged situation to the social scene in Evanston in and around campus. Was he a collector, a hobbyist if you will? The diversity of instruments found in his vehicle suggests the plausibility. But who knows. Did he feel somehow threatened or deign to use certain instruments for malevolent purposes? Not relevant - because there is no evidence that he harmed anyone or acted with any intent to do so - he had possession without the paperwork, felonious conduct warranting his removal to be sure, but contrast this with several members of the Florida State football team of recent vintage.
And he was immediately dismissed from the team.

Unless you have inside info (which may be the case), we don't know that Xavier was squeaky clean before that. Also, weren't people saying that Xavier was not practicing well?

I'm not saying that we give guys more chances if they have potential, but it's not as if we have a strict "zero tolerance" policy. Isn't Brett Walsh still on the team?
Unless you have inside info (which may be the case), we don't know that Xavier was squeaky clean before that. Also, weren't people saying that Xavier was not practicing well?

I'm not saying that we give guys more chances if they have potential, but it's not as if we have a strict "zero tolerance" policy. Isn't Brett Walsh still on the team?

Potential. All due respect, I haven't seen Brett on the two deep and I don't believe he has seen meaningful time thus far. Additionally, Brett's transgression as far as I know has been limited to underage drinking. I think many of us would have an issue if this incident (again 1 incident) led to his removal from the team.

I have zero inside knowledge, but I have a hard time thinking NU would suspend a player twice for violating rules during a season and then have him continue to get arrested in the offseason and still let him remain a part of the team . If the violation is deemed serious, I suspect we would boot ant player immediately off the squad, including someone the caliber of Ant.

As far as Oklahoma, this is the same school that has Joe Mixon on its roster after he broke 4 bones in a woman's face in a domestic. Yes, he got suspended a year, but only after pressure. Mixon was considered a top RB recruit. Thomas has Legitimate pro potential and might be the OK's top returning defense player. Yesterday, I think you have a prime example of an institution that enables behavior, especially if you are stud player.
No doubt a player with that rap sheet wouldn't make it at NU but truthfully the system is built so that doesn't happen. Too many good kids selected/recruited to not help lift up others who may make a few - much smaller - bad decisions.

Thomas doesn't get near this kind of awfulness at NU. He may make a bad decision but there is no deeper rap sheet and multiple suspensions.
Two suspensions and an assault and hunch is he may have a substance abuse problem. NU had a similar player situation with Braden Jones. BJ had an incident before college, then assaulted a police officer, had a strange incident with a cabbie, and then another assault on a security guard before he got tossed from NU and started dealing with his alcohol problem. By the way, Jones is now a medical doctor (surgeon). In 2012, he was pardoned by Gov. Quinn for the assault on the security guard in order to pursue becoming a surgeon.
Potential. All due respect, I haven't seen Brett on the two deep and I don't believe he has seen meaningful time thus far. Additionally, Brett's transgression as far as I know has been limited to underage drinking. I think many of us would have an issue if this incident (again 1 incident) led to his removal from the team.

I have zero inside knowledge, but I have a hard time thinking NU would suspend a player twice for violating rules during a season and then have him continue to get arrested in the offseason and still let him remain a part of the team . If the violation is deemed serious, I suspect we would boot ant player immediately off the squad, including someone the caliber of Ant.

As far as Oklahoma, this is the same school that has Joe Mixon on its roster after he broke 4 bones in a woman's face in a domestic. Yes, he got suspended a year, but only after pressure. Mixon was considered a top RB recruit. Thomas has Legitimate pro potential and might be the OK's top returning defense player. Yesterday, I think you have a prime example of an institution that enables behavior, especially if you are stud player.

Oh, I don't think that Thomas would still be on the NU football team with multiple arrests and incidents. I was talking about the notion that NU football is practically zero tolerance and nips this stuff in the bud.

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