Not a fan of the Holiday Bowl


Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2015
San Diego is a great city with great weather, but that is about the only positive.

Too far/expensive to visit for most people this time of year, FS1 on NYE means 10 people will watch. Zero chance my wife lets me watch this game.

Im sure Utah fans feel the same way, but this game is an awful consolation prize to the Rose Bowl.
San Diego is a great city with great weather, but that is about the only positive.

Too far/expensive to visit for most people this time of year, FS1 on NYE means 10 people will watch. Zero chance my wife lets me watch this game. It reminds me very much of the 2000 Alamo Bowl.

Im sure Utah fans feel the same way, but this game is an awful consolation prize to the Rose Bowl.
It’s fine. Nice trip for the players. I’d have laid the cash down had I not already gone to Indy. I honestly don’t know which bowls would have been preferable.

“My wife won’t let me watch a game” sounds like a terrible way to live.

Its NYE. Its a hard sell to plan your evening around Northwestern vs Utah
Its NYE. Its a hard sell to plan your evening around Northwestern vs Utah
So what is the solution to the "problem" you identify? To decline the invitation in favor of a lesser bowl in, say, Detroit? Seems to me this is just the nature of the beast. It also gives west coast alums a rare opportunity to see the team close by.
I am a college football fan and an avid NU fan. However a dinner time game on New Years Eve is a flawed concept. I can accept an early afternoon game? Most wives and significant others would be unsupportive of this form of entertainment on NYE.
San Diego is a great city with great weather, but that is about the only positive.

Too far/expensive to visit for most people this time of year, FS1 on NYE means 10 people will watch. Zero chance my wife lets me watch this game.

Im sure Utah fans feel the same way, but this game is an awful consolation prize to the Rose Bowl.

The other bowls, with the exception of the Rose Bowl, are too far/expensive for Cat fans on the West Coast.
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Actually, the Utah fans are pretty excited about this game and its location. The school has already exceeded its allotment and gone back for more tickets. The bowl has a lot of history, its own balloon parade, and an iconic location along with affordable hotels and as SeattleCat noted, easy and convenient travel connections for those of us on the West Coast. Hard to argue the TV point, but FS1 is at least FOX affiliated so there should be carry over publicity. This year the ESPN game that overlaps will likely not be as well viewed as last year's Alamo Bowl competition.
San Diego is a great city with great weather, but that is about the only positive.

Too far/expensive to visit for most people this time of year, FS1 on NYE means 10 people will watch. Zero chance my wife lets me watch this game.

Im sure Utah fans feel the same way, but this game is an awful consolation prize to the Rose Bowl.
Oh look, it's the "fan" who posted that we didn't belong on the field at the B1G championship game. Does he/she ever have anything positive to say?

It’s fine. Nice trip for the players. I’d have laid the cash down had I not already gone to Indy. I honestly don’t know which bowls would have been preferable.

“My wife won’t let me watch a game” sounds like a terrible way to live.
This could be an opportunity.
I don't get it. Why is it worse than playing on NYD in either the mausoleum in Tampa or the same in Jax? I mean, presuming that the Florida bowls are not too far or expensive , given your original complaint,. You'd be stuck in a boring Florida City on NYE. Would your wife " allow " it?
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I am a college football fan and an avid NU fan. However a dinner time game on New Years Eve is a flawed concept. I can accept an early afternoon game? Most wives and significant others would be unsupportive of this form of entertainment on NYE.
We’ve got a get-together New Year’s Eve with family. Four wives in attendance have given us the go-ahead to watch because they love us very much.
I don't get it. Why is it worse than playing on NYD in either the mausoleum in Tampa or the same in Jax? I mean, presuming that the Florida bowls are not too far or expensive , given your original complaint,. You'd be stuck in a boring Florida City on NYE. Would your wife " allow " it?

She'd want to see the tortoises at Robert Is Here or visit the Coral Castle.
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San Diego is a great city with great weather, but that is about the only positive.

Too far/expensive to visit for most people this time of year, FS1 on NYE means 10 people will watch. Zero chance my wife lets me watch this game.

Im sure Utah fans feel the same way, but this game is an awful consolation prize to the Rose Bowl.
FS1 probably will have anywhere from 1.3 to 2.5 million viewers, which is fine.

It's not the 4.6 million we had watching us beat Kentucky last year on ESPN, but that's the price of a better bowl that just happens to be on FS1.

As far as the other complaints, I don't get it, just grab a TV and watch the game, who cares that it's on NYE? It's our first game in years out on the West Coast, so this is a good chance for some of our West Coast supporters to get to a game easily, that's a good thing.
It’s fine. Nice trip for the players. I’d have laid the cash down had I not already gone to Indy. I honestly don’t know which bowls would have been preferable.

“My wife won’t let me watch a game” sounds like a terrible way to live.
Probably more people that go to bars on News Years Eve are not married so do not have the problem of dealing with a wife. I am sure TV's will be turned to the game since there won't be much to watch otherwise. Could be more people watching than one might think.
I am a college football fan and an avid NU fan. However a dinner time game on New Years Eve is a flawed concept. I can accept an early afternoon game? Most wives and significant others would be unsupportive of this form of entertainment on NYE.
Nope, most wives or significant others would understand we are fanatical Cat supporters and sit down and enjoy the game. Haven't you suffered through some Movie or Dinner Party that you wished you could skip?
Exactly. My wife realizes NU football is appointment TV. She also isn’t some 50s stereotype.
My wife, a Wisconsin alum and avid Badgers fan, went to a bar with me during our honeymoon so I could watch the Cats in the 96 Rose Bowl.

Smart wives realize that being a Northwestern Fan is sort of a genetic defect, and they will indulge us accordingly.
I don't get it. Why is it worse than playing on NYD in either the mausoleum in Tampa or the same in Jax? I mean, presuming that the Florida bowls are not too far or expensive , given your original complaint,. You'd be stuck in a boring Florida City on NYE. Would your wife " allow " it?
Of course it is. Most people plan some kind of party or dinner out on New years Eve. That's got to be the worst time to hold a game that night. Hey, maybe it will be cancelled due to rain or to much sunshine. Actually had a nice new years in Jacksonville on NU's last trip there.
Of course it is. Most people plan some kind of party or dinner out on New years Eve. That's got to be the worst time to hold a game that night. Hey, maybe it will be cancelled due to rain or to much sunshine. Actually had a nice new years in Jacksonville on NU's last trip there.

Am I reading this right? The Cats shouldn’t go to a bowl game because it will interefere with your New Years Eve dinner.
My wife, a Wisconsin alum and avid Badgers fan, went to a bar with me during our honeymoon so I could watch the Cats in the 96 Rose Bowl.

Smart wives realize that being a Northwestern Fan is sort of a genetic defect, and they will indulge us accordingly.
Truer words were never spoken. Being a Cat fan is one of my lesser defects.
Of all the bowl games, new year’s eve at 730 on a second rate(d) network is the least preferable. That’s not controversial. That’s obvious.

I’ll find FS1 and watch it, but nobody will surf there. This is an objectively better game than the Music City but will have half the viewership. That’s too bad.
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Of all the bowl games, new year’s eve at 730 on a second rate(d) network is the least preferable. That’s not controversial. That’s obvious.

I dunno, I'd say any of the weekday games taking place during normal work hours are just as bad. To use your example, you're not gonna get a lot of eyeballs on the Music City Bowl at 1:30 PM ET on a non-holiday Friday either.
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Like Pittcat’s wife, my wife is an awesome NUFB fan and prefers to wear NU stuff over her USC things.
She loves going to NU games but would not attend USC games even when I go with my Trojan friends and beg her to go with me.
All family schedules have been set around this game. And I have a large family.
We are darn excited to see the cats play in California!
FS1 sucks as we all agree..
I dunno, I'd say any of the weekday games taking place during normal work hours are just as bad. To use your example, you're not gonna get a lot of eyeballs on the Music City Bowl at 1:30 PM ET on a non-holiday Friday either.
The 2017 Holiday Bowl - not played on New Year’s Eve - gets a special shoutout in this recap for its record-low viewership. Thankfully, it will be difficult to match its 60% year over year drop in viewers.

I’ve written here that I really enjoy Fox’s college football coverage. But there’s no doubt that ESPN *is* bowl season at this point, and there’s little chance of anyone but a die-hard catching any FS1 game, let alone one on New Year’s Eve.

And, in large part, this is okay! A bowl win is a bowl win, whether 1.6 or 4.6 million people see it.

New Year’s Eve is many things - but, for casual fans, it’s not a college football night. I just hope the free NYE CTA (is that still a thing?) is packed with purple revelers.
San Diego is a great city with great weather, but that is about the only positive.

Too far/expensive to visit for most people this time of year, FS1 on NYE means 10 people will watch. Zero chance my wife lets me watch this game.

Im sure Utah fans feel the same way, but this game is an awful consolation prize to the Rose Bowl.

Hope for lighting and inclement weather then. Maybe it will be cancelled.
I think there is a technique along with some newfangled equipment by which one can record the game, then after the NYE dinner or party one can sit by oneself with the TV and the wife/kids/girlfriend(s) bedded down, and drain any half-empty champagne and beer bottles that happen to be sitting around… along with a bowl of Cheese-Its and a cigar, of course. Commercial free, no less, and with the opportunity to fast forward through inane comments from the broadcast team and studio mopes.
You could always do what I did and choose to be gay. Then you get to have a husband who, as a man, is genetically required to like sports.
Lucky dude. My boyfriend is Czech and only likes hockey, which is the one major sport I don’t watch.

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