Rutgers Whiny Fans


Well-Known Member
Gold Member
Dec 11, 2007
Des Moines, IA
The whining of their fans is a whole different level. Every single possession they are booing about a call they think should go their way. This despite Rutgers having shot almost 20 more free throws than the Cats.

This is a level of whining I haven’t seen in awhile.
The energy of their crowd is fantastic. Love that. The constant booing over some call on every single possession is a bit much though.

Agreed. There were even some fans outraged that NU got the ball after it got stuck between the rim and the backboard. Learn the rules.
theRU said:

I mean come on guys... That's what the home court does. You find me a home court or field that's fair to the officials and you've died and are watching a game up in heaven.[/quote]

100% true. And you can easily test this by going to a game where you do not care more for either team. You see the home crowd complaining calls against them. But being silent on bad calls against the other team.
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The whining of their fans is a whole different level. Every single possession they are booing about a call they think should go their way. This despite Rutgers having shot almost 20 more free throws than the Cats.

This is a level of whining I haven’t seen in awhile.
They were booing? Ohhh, my bad. Thought we had a lot of NU fans cheering for Buie and some homies from Albany and Gould Academy.
They were booing? Ohhh, my bad. Thought we had a lot of NU fans cheering for Buie and some homies from Albany and Gould Academy.
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The whining of their fans is a whole different level. Every single possession they are booing about a call they think should go their way. This despite Rutgers having shot almost 20 more free throws than the Cats.

This is a level of whining I haven’t seen in awhile.

What's funny to me is that the OP is whining about whining. Sounds to me like Northwestern doesn't belong in the Big Ten
What's funny to me is that the OP is whining about whining. Sounds to me like Northwestern doesn't belong in the Big Ten

Don't confuse an observation with whining. I posted that message when NU was up double digits early in the second half. I was happy at the time- the Cats were playing well. There was no whining in what I was saying- just an observation of what I was seeing.

As noted in a separate post within this thread, I loved the enthusiasm and passion of the Rutgers fans last night. When NU has had good years, our arena has had a similar feel and it's great to watch and fun to be at. The Rutgers fans are enjoying a great season and obviously making a difference when their team plays at home as shown by an undefeated home record. The RAC was rocking last night- I don't think Rutgers wins that game if it is on the road. Kudos to the Rutgers fans that were in attendance. They made a difference.

All I was saying was every single possession (I'm not even exaggerating), there was the fans with the "hands in the air" booing at every single call. Even the ones that were blatantly obvious. Of course this happens to some degree at every single sporting event with fans in attendance. It was just every possession- it was...a bit much.

But you know what? Rutgers won the game. They deserved it. The fans were great and made a huge difference. I'm happy for the Rutgers fans that they are enjoying a season like this. As an NU fan, I know what it's like to be a fan of a team that is typically near the bottom of the conference. Seasons like Rutgers is having now make it all worth it. Enjoy the ride.

Side note...I wanted so badly to hate Geo Baker after that game last night, but watching the on court interview after the game, he seems like a great guy and teammate. Hard to not root for a guy like him.
What's funny to me is that the OP is whining about whining. Sounds to me like Northwestern doesn't belong in the Big Ten

...says a fan of the team that has had a grand total of 1 winning season in football and basketball combined since joining the Big Ten?!

I actually agree with the first sentence in your post. But then you get a little carried away. Seriously, though, congrats on all your success this season and your overtime win at home against the worst team in the B1G last night.

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