The Turk Farewell Tour has concluded by friends. It's been a great 25 years but my interest in Cat football has simply faded to the point where the board has become uninteresting to me. Nothing against the program or anything, I simply have become disinterested in Northwestern football. Doesn't mean I don't love NU BB or won't watch NU football games because I will, but it will be in passing.
I appreciate those who still have the spirit and can continue the flame. This board has been great and has provided me with some of my best friends in my entire life. Glades, Midvale, FloridAlum, Waterboy, and several more. And I appreciate those who put up with the Turk BS that always tried to push the needle and could care less about credibility to provoke an argument. You guys have thick skin. Long live the Cats. Farewell. The jersey was retired last week and now the handle will be retired on the football board.
"...tell him we've been rooting for him the whole time."