Wow the Allstate Arena is dreadful....

Exactly the NU administration is obviously not trying to increase it's fan base. First they are reducing the capacity of the new W-R gym and there is speculation that they are also considering reducing seats in a re-do of Ryan Football Field.
Not trying or recognizing reality after decades of trying?
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Not trying or recognizing reality after decades of trying

I understand the argument, Hdhntr. But let's not exaggerate the duration of how long NU actually worked on its fan base (beyond those that already showed interest).

On a generous day, I'd accept that Taylor had one eye on building a base. But honestly, he had too many other things to work on to get NU in the ballpark of a modern athletic department.

Murphy? Yea, right. Four lost years.

NU didn't start any work on increasing its fan base until Phillips showed up in 2007 ... ESPECIALLY for basketball.
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I've gone to one game, would have been to at least 2-3 more had they been playing in Evanston, and would have been to at least 2-3 more at Allstate had we not been way underachieving.

If that makes me a bad fan (I'm not saying that you're saying it does, just quoting your post because it talked about attending), then I am a bad fan. Conversely, I have gone to every home football game since 2001, no matter the circumstances.
I resisted going for ST in BB for a long time because it was hard to justify as going to Evanston is just not easy for 18 games a year and unless it was a big game, easy enough to get tickets. Finally got them and this is my 3rd year. FB is only 6-7 games and much easier to justify being a ST holder. Had to miss a home game last year for a wedding but it had been the first since Miami of Ohio in 1995
Nice. I can appreciate this. When I was still living in Chicago, a girlfriend who I had started seeing in the springtime was shocked and upset when I explained to her that I intended to go to every Northwestern basketball home game (including the exhibitions) from the beginning of November through the end of the season in March. But of course! She knew I was a season ticket holder after all. I thought this went without saying. Needless to say, she did not understand or appreciate my devotion to NU Hoops. (I think that this conversation happened on the eve of the Fast Break Club Dinner at the end of October.)

I don't remember her reaction to you also going to every "Cat Chat" like a degenerate junkie fan.