Really good X thread on the fan base/temp stadium ticket situation

I live three hours away, and we didn't have anyone to watch my twin three-year-olds. As a result, my tickets went up for sale. In the past, when tickets were not as expensive, I would have given them away to friends, but with the high price this year, I needed to sell them.

I asked when I bought them if Northwestern has some sort of mechanism to to sell un-used tickets to other NU fans, and they only ever tell me about the donation thing they have. I am not looking to make more than what face would be if they are going to NU fans, but I am not giving away tickets at this price.

Really good X thread on the fan base/temp stadium ticket situation

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We have to rectify this going forward. And quickly once the regular season concludes. We are losing casual/local fans who have/will pick up Northwestern as their “second team.”

Part of our fan base, because of our lack of success over the totality of the program and the size of the school/focus (academics) of the school, is going to be “fly by” casual fans and they are not going to pony up $85 each for the worst tickets in the house! We need to have a $45-50 each “basic” ST package that those folks will buy. The people on this board will be there no matter what but that’s not enough to sustain a major CFB fan base.
Too bad the people in the NU administration don't get that, yet anyway. $85 for bad seating for a program that has been struggling as of late, with an already relatively small fanbase isn't the way to go. If the seating was good, $85 is a deal considering the insane prices to see a game in the Big House are. But then again Michigan just won the natty and is the winningest program in history. I can see a game at Rynearson Stadium in Ypsilanti for less than $20, almost the same for Welcome Stadium in Dayton. Not the best seats, but good enough to enjoy the game. The administration needs to get some good PR going, get the University more involved locally or even statewide. It is a great school and the new stadium will be gorgeous! It will be sad to see it not filled up.

P. J. Fleck

PJ went nuts at the end of the game when his team tried on qb sneaks on two downs to score a TD. On the first try, it was questionable whether they did not make it. He went nuts. On review, they ruled against him. On the 2nd try, he clearly made it, but they ruled that he was short. PJ went ballistic. He was right. Review changed the call to a TD, The refs were afraid to make a call. I do not like PJ, but on both calls, every coach would and should have gone nuts. He acted correctly.
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Really good X thread on the fan base/temp stadium ticket situation

I mentioned this in the other thread - Chicago will always be an attractive "let's make a weekend of it" destination for other Big Ten fans from the middle of nowhere, when in most seasons they expect to see a win over Northwestern. Those fans will also pay the "vacation tax" of inflated prices for one game, just like sports fans pay $15 for bad stadium beer.

Meanwhile, we obviously and admittedly have a thin fan base; that won't change without sustained success. But also...two years ago my season tickets on the 30-yard line with parking came out to less than $400 per person in my three-pack. This year those same (approximate) tickets with parking would be $1K per person...and that does not include the two Wrigley games.

If season tickets were priced this way years ago when I got my non-alum friends to agree to season tickets...they would have politely declined and I don't know that I would even be a season ticket holder at this point without them...we would just buy cheapies every now and then from the secondary market, and NU would get zero from us.

Mark Jackson & Co. need to make a conscious decision on whether they go for some extra revenue and sell out the home stadium to visiting fans, or employ strategy to keep it a little more purple. We have confirmed evidence of the former for this season. When so much of our revenue comes from tv rights, I honestly don't see why we'd sacrifice locking down the local fan base.

Disappointed there are so many Indiana fans in the crowd.

Just for context, NU had to provide Indiana with 3000 tickets ( mainly north stands). So I would
estimate that NU ticket holders and ticket reseller companies sold 2000 to 3000 seats to Indiana fans. I drove 700 miles to see the game, and I never sell my unused STs, but I don’t begrudge anyone who does, especially with the current ticket prices.

Disappointed there are so many Indiana fans in the crowd.

Here is my story. I purchased 2 season tickets in 1998 when my daughter followed me to NU. When my son moved to Winnetka, I purchased 2 additional seats directly in front of my 2 existing seats. Although I maintained my 2 original seats for 25 years, NU changed my base year to the year I purchased the 2 additional seats. I questioned NU but they would not address the issue.

Really good X thread on the fan base/temp stadium ticket situation

Cheapest get-in price yesterday on SeatGeek was about $160, drifted down to $130 by game time. No casual fan is going to pay that, but a hyped-up IU fan making a special trip would. I understand that it's basic supply and demand for a 12,000 person stadium, but it's very frustrating.
