RIP my father

My father passed this morning. He started his time at Northwestern in the fall of 1955. Completed his undergrad in 3 years then went on to Northwestern Dental School where he met his wife and my mother in 1958 who was a nursing student at Northwestern. This lead to my love of Northwestern and Northwestern athletics. My mother passed away in 2018. Over the years took my dad back for many basketball and football games.
Thanks for sharing Hollndnucat.

I am a father of 4, all of whom are now adults with their own families. And one of my greatest joys is knowing that the day I too pass there is nothing new or meaningful we could have said or done for each other. We will have left all we had to give on the field ... so to speak.

Sounds like you had a similar experience with your father.

The best Dads give their children more than a great life. They give them a life experience to be grateful for.


Renderings of 2026 stadium

I have to believe there is a lot of people that even though they give to the athletics program generally, don't like the idea of giving to pay athletes directly. I don't make a dent in anything with what I give, but I have questions if I will even be a supporter at all in the future once player are getting paid directly by the school. I think I would rather see college athletics go in the opposite direction where there are no scholarships, and only people that want to school there actually play for the school.
The Genie has left the bottle. Is there a D3 team near you?
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RIP my father

My father passed this morning. He started his time at Northwestern in the fall of 1955. Completed his undergrad in 3 years then went on to Northwestern Dental School where he met his wife and my mother in 1958 who was a nursing student at Northwestern. This lead to my love of Northwestern and Northwestern athletics. My mother passed away in 2018. Over the years took my dad back for many basketball and football games.
Sincerest condolences. I’m sure you will treasure the shared NU memories among many others.

Pre-snap motion

Got this off the Iowa board...

TruMedia stats for the 2023 season:

Ohio State41.9%32nd
Penn State33.9%74th
Michigan State27.3%99th

A bit surprised to see the Cats that high, but it makes sense that Braun was moving to more of his type of O.

Anyone have the data for the previous season or 2?

Iowa should move up the chart as their new scheme is akin to the Shanahan based Packers O.
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